Dr. Bennett answers the question, "What Are Some Of The Warning Signs Of Postpartum Depression / PPD?" Dr. Bennett is a licensed psychologist who founded Postpartum Assistance for Mothers in 1987 after her second undiagnosed postpartum illness. Dr. Shoshana Bennett (Dr. Shosh) is the Immediate Past President of Postpartum Support International and a past president of California’s state organization Postpartum Health Alliance.
Dr. Shosh:
If the mom is not able to sleep at night when her baby is sleeping, in other words if she has insomnia, difficulty sleeping, that is a warning sign. If she has big appetite changes, usually a loss of appetite, but it could be the opposite. It could be a huge increase as in my case, you know, I lost all the baby weight in the hospital, but just a couple of months postpartum I was 40 pounds overweight. So it can work either way. If she is feeling hopeless, if her self-esteem is low, if she is feeling guilt feelings, I mean these are all warning signs for postpartum depression. Sometimes a woman does not identify with the term depression. She might feel more anxious or she might be more irritable or short- tempered. So, if she is feeling, if the new mom is feeling like she is not sad, but she is snapping at her toddler or she is yelling at her husband even though she knows he does not deserve it. This really could be depression that is manifesting in another way.
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