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Is it normal for my arm muscle in my shoulder to hurt 2 weeks after flu shot?

By December 7, 2008 - 7:32am
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Pain from flu shot

I was happy to receive the flu shot this year, as I feel like it's "doing my part" to stop the spread of the influenza virus. Plus, any inoculation that can either prevent, or lessen the symptoms, of flu is motivation to me!

I've received the flu shot annually, for the past 10 years. I have the typical soreness at site, possibly a little tired that evening. But that's it.

This year...my shoulder muscle (at the site of the injection) is still painful, so much that I can't move my arm forward at shoulder-level, or lift my arm up over my head, without a sharp pain in that one muscle. If my arm is still, it does not hurt. It is affecting my sleep, as I am confined to sleeping on only my right side (it is my left arm that hurts).

Are there any other reports of this flu shot symptom? Did I just not move my arm enough after the shot (kind of "favored it"), or is there something else wrong??

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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Well Anonymous, while some here may have BPN, those of us, like myself who have had MRIs have documented abnormalites that resulted from the flu shot vaccination. MRI isn't used to diagnose BPN. I'm not certain of your medical background but I am a board certified internist/ pediatrician, practicing emergency medicine for over 10yrs and I can assure you that I do not have BPN. An EMG is needed to make this diagnosis of BPN. I have a moderate size subacromial joint effusion, thought to have developed when the flu shot was given "too high" and injected into my joint? There are several on this forum that this has occurred with. There are a few who have MRI documented "tears" in the joint??? so you are correct in that there probably is a small percentage of brachial plexus neuropathy but we "all don't have that"
Thanks for your research and information.


December 20, 2011 - 1:04am
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Greetings and thanks for your kind reply. Since my last post I downloaded the package inserts of all of the flu vaccines given in the U.S.A. All of them mention severe reactions being reported including brachial plexus neuropathy and urticaria. The two reactions I've been struggling with for almost three months. Also when researching BPN, every medical journal lists BPN from ''vaccinations'' as a cause. My reason to find a cause of my severe deteriorating health condition was because I have never been hospitalized or medicated in my lifetime for any reason. I have had no traumatic injury to my shoulder and have never had an allergy to anything. I am 47 and have been fortunate enough to have had perfect health and perfect attendance for my entire 27 year full time health career. I went to the emergency room when my shoulder pain was so severe and I was covered head to toe in hives. I called in sick that day and it caused major concern at the hospital I work at. I'm a Radiology supervisor in charge of a large group of health care workers. Since the flu shot almost three months ago I've called in sick twice and went home early a number of times. Being on 4 medications, sleeping two hours per night, losing my arm strength with numbness and extreme pain, going to Dr.'s and having tests done is not what I expected after being forced to have the flu shot. The stories I've read on this forum are horrible for so many people who have struggled to find an answer. This condition is amazing because pain medications don't seem to help. I'm on Prednisone , Ultram, Tagamet ac, and Benedryl x3 wks. Today I have many hives and massive shoulder pain. My flu shot was Oct. 14th and it is now Dec. I'm seeing my allergist tomorrow as my bloodwork is positive for increased levels of almost everything they tested for. I also had a hive biopsy that was positive. Good luck to you and everyone else here in finding an end to this miserable affliction we all share.

December 20, 2011 - 5:46am

I did report to vaers & even sent an update. I plan on filing a claim (in 3 months) & I keep going to the doctors because I pray they will find out what is wrong.

December 15, 2011 - 3:11am

It's been 3 months of pain, I'm on Celebrex, had 3 cortisone shots, x-ray (nothing showed), 1st MRI showed 3 small tears, tendinosis & bursitis, 2nd MRI showed recent shoulder dislocation episode & 3 tears. Physical Theropy for 2 months. One orthopedic doctor says I will probably need surgery (which consist of 1 month of no arm use & 4 months of PT). 2nd Orthopedic doctor says the pain is not because of the tears & don't need surgery (he says it's from Frozen Shoulder). Going for a 3rd opinion next week. First Doctor insisted I must have fallen & would have felt my shoulder dislocation (which never happened). He also doesn't believe the injury is from the flu shot. I am so tired of people telling me it's not from the shot & so tired of putting out so much money from an injury I KNOW came from the shot. I had no problems before my flu shot & I recall saying OH after hearing/feeling a snap while needle was being removed. And I also had my shot given very high on the arm (in 16 or more years of flu shots never had one given so high). I do have to say the cortisone shots & PT have helped a bit, but my nights are still bad & PT is painful along with anything involving lifting my arm or going to the side. I think I am physically drained from living with this pain.

December 14, 2011 - 12:15pm
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Anonymous (reply to rosi2)

Well Rosi2, see my post to "anonymous"(12/13/11) and I reference the National Vaccination Injury Compensation Progam, and that you can file a claim for $350.00, and reclaim up to $250,000.00

I'd stop going from doctor to doctor. I would contact the


Katherine Brooks MD
I got a terrible painful flu shot.

December 14, 2011 - 7:05pm
EmpowHER Guest

I posted on here about a month ago. I'm still having pain in my left shoulder since my flu shot on Oct. 5th (more than 2 months ago). I went to PT, but was released after a few weeks because there was no change. Supposed to be getting an MRI....just waiting on insurance to approve. I get frustrated hearing my friends/family say "you must have done something else. I can't imagine the shot did that to you." But I had NO pain in my shoulder before the shot....no pain in my shoulder EVER in my life! I'm just 32 years old. I have done nothing excessive since having the shot. Now I'm getting stuck with all these copays from the doctor's visits and PT appts. Very frustrated! Nurse gave me the injection very high in the arm and as the vaccine was going into my body, my whole shoulder felt like it was being "shocked." I KNOW this pain is from the shot....I just my shoulder to get better.

December 13, 2011 - 9:22am
EmpowHER Guest

I have pain in my arm shoulder and neck since the flu shot. I have had the ordinary flu shot before, but this is the first time I have had the combined swine flu and flu jab. I shall not have it again, as the pain is severe and has lasted for four weeks now. I find it impossible to lift my arm and even turning over in bed or putting on my coat is extremely painfull. I have never had pain in my shoulders, arms or neck before, and have done no extra exertion or exercise that could have caused it.

December 13, 2011 - 8:40am
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Well "Anonymous" you like many others, including myself got a "flu"shot, experienced intense pain for an extended period of time. It sucks but unfortunately it is classified as a "VAERS" and a "VAERS" report needs to be filed at the facility where it was administered. Or you can file the report at www.vaers.hhs.gov (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). There isn't much that can be done at this point.

The "National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program" indicates that if you have symptoms for over 6 months you can file a claim. The costs is $350 to file and I guess depending on the amount of money you've lost (time off work, medical bills, atty fees etc) you can be award/reimbursed up to $250,000.00.

I got my vaccine at the end of August, and to this date still have intense pain, worse at night, and worsened by altitude (I have to fly for my job)

I had xray and MRI which showed "Chronic tendonsis" with a subacromial bursitis and all I got was the shot prior to this pain starting.

I tried decadron 8mg and tapered over 7 days, the pain was gone only for two days before returning.

I'm an ER physician and did my own research on all of this(VAERS) and apparently there isn't anything that can be done except endure the pain. I do take "tramadol" 50mg that helps alleviate the pain to some degree and I am able to sleep. Heat application helps sometimes.

I am planning on filing a claim if I still have symptoms after 6 months, which will be March 2012. I do hope that the pain improves. Good luck with your efforts.

December 13, 2011 - 6:21pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Thank you for the referral to the vaccine compenstion. I have grown tired of insisting to my Ortho that it was the flu shot given too high on the shoulder and with an oversized needle, that did the damage. Mine was 10/8/09...yes, I have the date ingrained. The HMO I am a member of (in Los Angeles County, Calif.) was out of the needle size used for the shoulder (goverment went thru a period that they used all the small ones up for the swine flu run per the nurse)... so she used the size for the buttocks. This she told me after giving the injection and me grimacing in major pain. It was my first flu shot and I didn't know any better. I couldn't even pick up my purse with that arm. She said it was normal and should last a few days. Well.... I am still in pain. Did the PT, got my 1st cortisone 7 months after incident and again 18 months later. Ortho said that if I am in pain again 3 months after that 2nd cortisone inj. that I'll have to see him for other options. Likely, he said would be surgery. Pain is back, but I haven't called him. I don't want the surgery. I'm 53 and retired young (@47) and take care of my grandkids with a new one on the way. I'm so frustrated that I can't do the things I am supposed to be able to do. I do still pick them up...painfully usually...but how can I not. I'm going to look into the website you posted. Thanks again Dr. Katherine for your comments.

December 15, 2011 - 12:58pm
EmpowHER Guest

I have pain in my arm shoulder and neck since the flu shot. I have had the ordinary flu shot before, but this is the first time I have had the combined swine flu and flu jab. I shall not have it again, as the pain is severe and has lasted for four weeks now. I find it impossible to lift my arm and even turning over in bed or putting on my coat is extremely painfull. I have never had pain in my shoulders, arms or neck before, and have done no extra exertion or exercise that could have caused it.

December 13, 2011 - 8:40am
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