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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Well Anonymous, while some here may have BPN, those of us, like myself who have had MRIs have documented abnormalites that resulted from the flu shot vaccination. MRI isn't used to diagnose BPN. I'm not certain of your medical background but I am a board certified internist/ pediatrician, practicing emergency medicine for over 10yrs and I can assure you that I do not have BPN. An EMG is needed to make this diagnosis of BPN. I have a moderate size subacromial joint effusion, thought to have developed when the flu shot was given "too high" and injected into my joint? There are several on this forum that this has occurred with. There are a few who have MRI documented "tears" in the joint??? so you are correct in that there probably is a small percentage of brachial plexus neuropathy but we "all don't have that"
Thanks for your research and information.


December 20, 2011 - 1:04am


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