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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Greetings and thanks for your kind reply. Since my last post I downloaded the package inserts of all of the flu vaccines given in the U.S.A. All of them mention severe reactions being reported including brachial plexus neuropathy and urticaria. The two reactions I've been struggling with for almost three months. Also when researching BPN, every medical journal lists BPN from ''vaccinations'' as a cause. My reason to find a cause of my severe deteriorating health condition was because I have never been hospitalized or medicated in my lifetime for any reason. I have had no traumatic injury to my shoulder and have never had an allergy to anything. I am 47 and have been fortunate enough to have had perfect health and perfect attendance for my entire 27 year full time health career. I went to the emergency room when my shoulder pain was so severe and I was covered head to toe in hives. I called in sick that day and it caused major concern at the hospital I work at. I'm a Radiology supervisor in charge of a large group of health care workers. Since the flu shot almost three months ago I've called in sick twice and went home early a number of times. Being on 4 medications, sleeping two hours per night, losing my arm strength with numbness and extreme pain, going to Dr.'s and having tests done is not what I expected after being forced to have the flu shot. The stories I've read on this forum are horrible for so many people who have struggled to find an answer. This condition is amazing because pain medications don't seem to help. I'm on Prednisone , Ultram, Tagamet ac, and Benedryl x3 wks. Today I have many hives and massive shoulder pain. My flu shot was Oct. 14th and it is now Dec. I'm seeing my allergist tomorrow as my bloodwork is positive for increased levels of almost everything they tested for. I also had a hive biopsy that was positive. Good luck to you and everyone else here in finding an end to this miserable affliction we all share.

December 20, 2011 - 5:46am


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