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(reply to Anonymous)

Thank you for the referral to the vaccine compenstion. I have grown tired of insisting to my Ortho that it was the flu shot given too high on the shoulder and with an oversized needle, that did the damage. Mine was 10/8/09...yes, I have the date ingrained. The HMO I am a member of (in Los Angeles County, Calif.) was out of the needle size used for the shoulder (goverment went thru a period that they used all the small ones up for the swine flu run per the nurse)... so she used the size for the buttocks. This she told me after giving the injection and me grimacing in major pain. It was my first flu shot and I didn't know any better. I couldn't even pick up my purse with that arm. She said it was normal and should last a few days. Well.... I am still in pain. Did the PT, got my 1st cortisone 7 months after incident and again 18 months later. Ortho said that if I am in pain again 3 months after that 2nd cortisone inj. that I'll have to see him for other options. Likely, he said would be surgery. Pain is back, but I haven't called him. I don't want the surgery. I'm 53 and retired young (@47) and take care of my grandkids with a new one on the way. I'm so frustrated that I can't do the things I am supposed to be able to do. I do still pick them up...painfully usually...but how can I not. I'm going to look into the website you posted. Thanks again Dr. Katherine for your comments.

December 15, 2011 - 12:58pm


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