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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Well "Anonymous" you like many others, including myself got a "flu"shot, experienced intense pain for an extended period of time. It sucks but unfortunately it is classified as a "VAERS" and a "VAERS" report needs to be filed at the facility where it was administered. Or you can file the report at www.vaers.hhs.gov (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). There isn't much that can be done at this point.

The "National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program" indicates that if you have symptoms for over 6 months you can file a claim. The costs is $350 to file and I guess depending on the amount of money you've lost (time off work, medical bills, atty fees etc) you can be award/reimbursed up to $250,000.00.

I got my vaccine at the end of August, and to this date still have intense pain, worse at night, and worsened by altitude (I have to fly for my job)

I had xray and MRI which showed "Chronic tendonsis" with a subacromial bursitis and all I got was the shot prior to this pain starting.

I tried decadron 8mg and tapered over 7 days, the pain was gone only for two days before returning.

I'm an ER physician and did my own research on all of this(VAERS) and apparently there isn't anything that can be done except endure the pain. I do take "tramadol" 50mg that helps alleviate the pain to some degree and I am able to sleep. Heat application helps sometimes.

I am planning on filing a claim if I still have symptoms after 6 months, which will be March 2012. I do hope that the pain improves. Good luck with your efforts.

December 13, 2011 - 6:21pm


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