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EmpowHER Guest

I posted on here about a month ago. I'm still having pain in my left shoulder since my flu shot on Oct. 5th (more than 2 months ago). I went to PT, but was released after a few weeks because there was no change. Supposed to be getting an MRI....just waiting on insurance to approve. I get frustrated hearing my friends/family say "you must have done something else. I can't imagine the shot did that to you." But I had NO pain in my shoulder before the shot....no pain in my shoulder EVER in my life! I'm just 32 years old. I have done nothing excessive since having the shot. Now I'm getting stuck with all these copays from the doctor's visits and PT appts. Very frustrated! Nurse gave me the injection very high in the arm and as the vaccine was going into my body, my whole shoulder felt like it was being "shocked." I KNOW this pain is from the shot....I just my shoulder to get better.

December 13, 2011 - 9:22am


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