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It's been 3 months of pain, I'm on Celebrex, had 3 cortisone shots, x-ray (nothing showed), 1st MRI showed 3 small tears, tendinosis & bursitis, 2nd MRI showed recent shoulder dislocation episode & 3 tears. Physical Theropy for 2 months. One orthopedic doctor says I will probably need surgery (which consist of 1 month of no arm use & 4 months of PT). 2nd Orthopedic doctor says the pain is not because of the tears & don't need surgery (he says it's from Frozen Shoulder). Going for a 3rd opinion next week. First Doctor insisted I must have fallen & would have felt my shoulder dislocation (which never happened). He also doesn't believe the injury is from the flu shot. I am so tired of people telling me it's not from the shot & so tired of putting out so much money from an injury I KNOW came from the shot. I had no problems before my flu shot & I recall saying OH after hearing/feeling a snap while needle was being removed. And I also had my shot given very high on the arm (in 16 or more years of flu shots never had one given so high). I do have to say the cortisone shots & PT have helped a bit, but my nights are still bad & PT is painful along with anything involving lifting my arm or going to the side. I think I am physically drained from living with this pain.

December 14, 2011 - 12:15pm


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