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Another "Pregnant? or just Stress-induced missed period?" question

By March 30, 2009 - 8:05pm
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The start of my most recent period was on Feb 26 - projected ovulation date being March 14, projected next period March 28 (via MyMonthlyCycles, where I have been keeping track of my period for 1 year). Average cycle - 30 days.

We had protected intercourse on March 3 and 24. The condom didn't break; slipped down maybe an inch but we pushed it right back up.

Now my period is 3 or 4 days late (depending if you count the 28th), with no usual signs of cramping etc that I normally get. Took two HPT's and both came out negative. Discharge looks normal, no tenderness of breasts or anything. I have had a little bit of an upset stomach but I think I may just be getting sick - I am under quite a bit of stress.

I know it's unlikely that I am pregnant, but I am paranoid since I can't afford to have a child right now. I have heard that stress really can throw off a regular period (I have been regular for 8 years now), but I have a hard time believing it since I am so paranoid... help? I don't know what's wrong with me!

Have a GYNO appt coming up in a month, but I'm the type of person who likes to know without going to the doc! It sure would be nice if my period would come!

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um hi....i had sex the day before my period and it was protected and unprotected, the next day my period came like it was suppose to. My problem now is that my next period is suppose to come this friday but i havent had any cramps or any bloating . Ive been freaking out for the past couple days, i havent taking a test yet im to afraid of what i might get. i have absoultly no one to talk to about this i really need some help

May 6, 2010 - 2:32am
(reply to Cj)

Hi Cj,

If your period started AFTER you had sex, than you are not pregnant. Your menstrual cycle means you do not have a viable pregnancy, and you can not become pregnant after your period unless you have unprotected sex again.

Sex can not throw off your cycle (as your asked in your email to me); your cycle is regulated by hormones that are produced and circulated throughout your entire body on a continuous basis, with normal fluctuations of certain hormones. The act of sex, as well as sperm or semen, do not affect the production of hormones unless a sperm fertilizes an egg, and this fertilized egg implants in your uterus (creating a viable pregnancy).

You are not actually late for your period, as it is not supposed to start until tomorrow, so I'm not sure why you are so concerned...just because you haven't had any of your usual pre-menstrual symptoms? Many woman have delayed or missed periods, and may not have symptoms at every menstruation. If your period still does not begin after a week, it would be wise to take a home pregnancy test, but you could not be pregnant if you only had sex before your previous period.

does this help?

May 6, 2010 - 8:47pm
(reply to Alison Beaver)

yes it does thank you very much

May 7, 2010 - 3:33am

i need help!! 3 weeks ago, i have had protected sex with my boyfriend, and before he "finished" the condom slipped off him. When he "finished" his penis was no where near inside me but he ejaculated outside of my vagina, and had to stop before he got back in. So just to be save, we went to go buy plan b about 39 hours later from intercourse. And as of right now my period has not came on, but i'm under a tremendous amount of stress, from deal with our shaky relationship, studying for my finals and making sure i'm passing all my classes, moving out of my dorm back home, and the stress of my period not coming on. Just wanna know if I should be worried if I'm pregnant, or too much stress is delaying my period from coming on?!?! ( i'm currently 2 days late, and i don't what to do)

April 29, 2010 - 2:44pm
(reply to lovelyd)

Hi, Lovely,

I'm so sorry you're under so much stress. Please know that that in itself is enough to cause a period to be late.

You did all the right things to prevent pregnancy. You started with a condom; when it slipped off and exposed you to the possibility of pregnancy, you used Plan B, and you used it within the recommended period of time.

After using Plan B, did you bleed at all? Almost like having a period, but perhaps shorter and lighter? And if that happened, did you count it as a period and recalculate when your next period should come?

Please know that many women, after using Plan B, have irregularities in their cycles for a month or two afterward. It's very common. You can always take a pregnancy test to be sure, but from what you write, I am pretty convinced that you are late from using the Plan B, not from a possible pregnancy.

April 30, 2010 - 9:42am
(reply to Diane Porter)

i didnt do any type of bleeding at after taking plan b, so thats why im soo worried.

May 1, 2010 - 5:31pm
(reply to lovelyd)

You may not bleed after taking Plan B, and may just have an irregular period. It would be suggested to take a home pregnancy test, to rule out a possible pregnancy.

Can you let us know the results, so we can help either way?

May 2, 2010 - 12:38pm
(reply to Alison Beaver)

oky so now i'm 6 days late and i just took a home pregnancy test a few minutes ago and the results came negative. but i have been reading some different discussion boards about women who have take plan b and most did say it made their menstrual cycle very irregular. I guess now all i have to do is wait, don't stress myself out so much, and keep you all posted.

May 4, 2010 - 10:01am
(reply to lovelyd)


Plan B does, indeed, affect your menstrual cycle. In fact, the information on the package insert lists "menstrual irregularities" as common. We have had women who have felt the hormonal affects of Plan B on their cycle for 1 to 2 months. So you're right. Try not to stress so much, and trust those negative pregnancy tests.

May 5, 2010 - 8:54am

I am a little over a week late. My boyfriend and I had unprotected intercourse one time during the last month. I am on the pill and have been for 5 or 6 months now. I have been under A LOT of stress this past week. Could it be late because of that? Or what are the chances of getting pregnant the one time we didn't use something? Help!

April 13, 2010 - 9:26am
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