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Another "Pregnant? or just Stress-induced missed period?" question

By March 30, 2009 - 8:05pm
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The start of my most recent period was on Feb 26 - projected ovulation date being March 14, projected next period March 28 (via MyMonthlyCycles, where I have been keeping track of my period for 1 year). Average cycle - 30 days.

We had protected intercourse on March 3 and 24. The condom didn't break; slipped down maybe an inch but we pushed it right back up.

Now my period is 3 or 4 days late (depending if you count the 28th), with no usual signs of cramping etc that I normally get. Took two HPT's and both came out negative. Discharge looks normal, no tenderness of breasts or anything. I have had a little bit of an upset stomach but I think I may just be getting sick - I am under quite a bit of stress.

I know it's unlikely that I am pregnant, but I am paranoid since I can't afford to have a child right now. I have heard that stress really can throw off a regular period (I have been regular for 8 years now), but I have a hard time believing it since I am so paranoid... help? I don't know what's wrong with me!

Have a GYNO appt coming up in a month, but I'm the type of person who likes to know without going to the doc! It sure would be nice if my period would come!

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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, Marvin,

Welcome to EmpowHER, and thanks so much for your question.

I wouldn't worry too much that your girlfriend's period is late since you had protected sex. There are a lot of things that can cause a woman's period to be late. Stress is a big one, and around the holidays, most of us are feeling a lot of stress.

Also, such things as changes in diet and exercise, changes in sleep patterns or prescription medicines can affect a woman's cycle.

Does your girlfriend know the date of the first day of her last period? Is she worried about this? If so, she can take a home pregnancy test just to be certain that there's nothing to worry about. But if you've only had protected sex, the chance of pregnancy is tiny. My guess is that she's just a bit late, and that her period will start in the next week or 10 days with no problem.

January 7, 2010 - 8:50am
EmpowHER Guest

Just wanted to check back and say i FINALLY got it! 8 days late! me and the boyfriend had since broken up because he didnt want no part the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy. I guess it really was stress! thanks for all the help and advice!

December 26, 2009 - 8:21am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Allison,
I am still late, but I am convinced its stress related. My boyfriend did not even ejaculate in me, as he pulls long before it happens. So I think its all stress related, but with finals over when should I expect it?

December 24, 2009 - 11:13am
EmpowHER Guest

Excellent! thanks for the advice! We have been using condoms for close to three years now, and this is the longest delay I have had since we began having sex. We are both nervous, but have been under great amounts of stress.I will be sure to keep you posted on when I finally get my period!

December 22, 2009 - 7:36pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hey There!

Just read over the comments concerning this topic, and I feel very reassured! However, I am 4 days late on my period, myself and my boyfriend had protected sex (like we always have) only 2 times since my last period, but still nothing! I have been very stressed out with university finals and family emergencies, so would this have any impact on why it is still late?


December 22, 2009 - 3:23pm
(reply to Anonymous)

I'm glad you found this information helpful!

Good for you guys for choosing to have protected sex (I'm assuming you are using hormonal contraception, or he is using a condom?). These two forms of birth control are very effective at preventing pregnancy when used consistently and correctly (in the 98-99% range...only thing better is abstinence!).

Yes...a late, or even missed, period can be caused by recent illness, new medication, stress, change in environment, medical condition...our bodies constantly are reacting to the environment around us, and our periods can become unpredictable or irregular for a few cycles. This can be perfectly normal, and nothing to worry about.

If you are still worried, you can always take a home pregnancy test once you have missed your expected period; HPT are about 99% effective at detecting any "pregnancy hormone" once you have missed a period.

Good luck on your university finals...and let us know when you start your period!

December 22, 2009 - 3:37pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi. I've been reading the other comments and have seen that you've been very helpful, so I thought I would write and have you reassure me that I am stressing for no reason.

My boyfriend and I have had unprotected sex a couple of times in the past month. He has always pulled out and ejaculated outside of me. My last period started on Nov. 9; my cycle is normally 30 days, and I've never missed a period before. Even though I am only a few days late I am worried about a possible pregnancy. I don't feel like I've been stressed out lately, but with finals soon I may be stressing without really being aware of it. However, now that my period is late I do feel very stressed. Do you think I should take a pregnancy test, or should I just stop worrying?

December 13, 2009 - 1:14am
(reply to Anonymous)

I'm glad you found the other information helpful!

Yes, I would recommend taking a home pregnancy test, since you are "late" for your period, and have been practicing unprotected sex. The best time to take this test is once your expected period has come-and-gone, even if it's just a few days late.

As far as birth control methods, the "withdrawal method" or "pull out method" is only about 75% effective at preventing pregnancy when used in the typical manner, and this is compared to condoms (with up to 98% effectiveness rate) and the pill (with a 99% effectiveness rate). You may want to consider another form of birth control in addition to the withdrawal method, so that you can stop worrying..especially during finals!

Good luck--please let us know how you are doing.

December 13, 2009 - 8:38am
EmpowHER Guest

I am posting this for my girlfriend and I. We have had sex 4 times this month, all with a condom used properly of course, but here lately we may think she is pregnant. She has had irregular periods she has said for a while even before we met. But about 2 weeks ago she had a pain in her left lower abdomen I'm guessing around her ovaries. But she started the pain on a monday with its spike that next sunday. She said it was very painful like something burst. We think it could be a cyst. But now she is having sore breasts and she has had nausea for 2 weeks i believe. I never ejaculated inside her always pulled out with condom still on to ejaculate. since we really do not know when her period is going to come we are kinda stressing at the moment. But we are willing to accept responsibility if she happens to be pregnant. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

December 12, 2009 - 6:17pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Thanks for your question!

Any time your girlfriend experiences pain, especially if she feels like something burst and the pain lasted for 7 days, she needs to see her doctor for a medical evaluation, to rule out anything serious.

Early pregnancy symptoms do not include pain, or any bursting feeling. Sore breasts could be hormone-related, either from an upcoming period or other factor, and nausea could be related to so, so many "causes" (including worry), that it is difficult to pinpoint.

You and your girlfriend are practicing safer sex---great!---by using a condom and using the "withdrawal method" (or "pull out method"), and these methods combined can be more than 98% effective at preventing pregnancy.

Thanks for being concerned and thoughtful regarding your girlfriend's health, and we would recommend that she call her doctor (if she does not have one yet, we can help guide her to finding a doctor in her area) to have a medical evaluation.

December 13, 2009 - 8:48am
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