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(reply to Anonymous)

Thanks for your question!

Any time your girlfriend experiences pain, especially if she feels like something burst and the pain lasted for 7 days, she needs to see her doctor for a medical evaluation, to rule out anything serious.

Early pregnancy symptoms do not include pain, or any bursting feeling. Sore breasts could be hormone-related, either from an upcoming period or other factor, and nausea could be related to so, so many "causes" (including worry), that it is difficult to pinpoint.

You and your girlfriend are practicing safer sex---great!---by using a condom and using the "withdrawal method" (or "pull out method"), and these methods combined can be more than 98% effective at preventing pregnancy.

Thanks for being concerned and thoughtful regarding your girlfriend's health, and we would recommend that she call her doctor (if she does not have one yet, we can help guide her to finding a doctor in her area) to have a medical evaluation.

December 13, 2009 - 8:48am


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