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Can you get pregnant without the man ejaculating?

By July 21, 2009 - 12:51pm
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I'm very young and i have not ever had intercourse but my boyfriend rubbed his penis on my clit up and down but did not put it in my hole. He did not wear any protection and neither did he come and his penis was dry but is there any way that i can get pregnant?


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HI i posted about a month ago on here concerned about my situation. Ok me and my boyfriend throughout december had been together. He has never penetrated me at all. The contact we did have was penis on vagina and rubbing. He never ejaculated on my vagina, it was near but never on. My questions is..I had my period on January 10 2011. I was so relieved because I had read there is a chance of pregnancy with any contact. So the question I have is..my period started out with me wiping with toilet paper and had a brownish pink tint to it and than I wiped again and it was bloody. My period lasted from the 10th to the 14th and there was more brown on the tampons than I usually remember. My periods only last 4-5 days so this one seemed just the same other than the brown. The first day was heavy and the second day (sorry for being so graphic) was even more so. When i woke up on the second day it was dripping out of me after I went pee. After that it tapered off and got lighter until the last day. I took a pregnancy test last monday (feb 7th) and it was negative. I took it because for some reason I started thinking about everything I read and it made me nervous to think that maybe I didn't have my period, and I could be pregnant. The pregnancy test was negative and if I were to be pregnant, it would have shown than right?? Seeings how I would be about 10 weeks along. I am waiting for my period to start again sometime this week, I just get scared that it won't. Can someone ease my mind and tell me whether or not my period wasn't a period and maybe implantation bleeding or something else? Please write back asap. Thanks.

February 14, 2011 - 10:10am
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
Rest assured, you had your period, and a negative pregnancy test is a negative pregnancy test. You are not pregnant.
For more information, please review: How to Know if Your Period is Normal.

February 14, 2011 - 10:19am
EmpowHER Guest

if a guy was to enter the vagina once unprotected but pulled out straight away with no penetration, what are the chances of pregnancy?

February 14, 2011 - 3:38am
(reply to Anonymous)

Very small risk. Thanks for your question. For more detailed information, please read through moderator responses on this thread from myself, Susan Cody, Alison Beaver, Rosa Cabrera, Melissa Cortes, and others.

February 14, 2011 - 8:56am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi All.
Me and my girlfriend were having a little foreplay yesterday (13th of February 2011) morning and we rubbed our genitals together, and eventually touching the tip of my penis to her vagina (just barely). I did not penetrate her, and she acknowledges this saying she did not feel anything at all. (and she is generally speaking very sensitive in that area)
Now, I've read articles saying that pre-cum does not contain sperm cells, while some other articles claim that pre-cum CAN contain sperm from a previous ejaculation unless the man urinates, killing the 'leftover' sperm in the urethra.
I had not ejaculated in the past 3 days and as it happens, I had urinated 10 minutes before we rubbed our genitals together.
This act went on for about 2 minutes and like I've said before, there was no penetration involved only touching and I had urinated 10 minutes before this happened and there was absolutely no ejaculation involved (not even in the past 3 days).
I would really appreciate any help with this.
What are the chances that she might get pregnant?
I am concerned about her, as she does not want to take an oral contraceptive (she's more opsitive than me about her not getting pregnant) because she fears the side effects they bring.
Thank you.

February 13, 2011 - 4:03pm
EmpowHER Guest

hello, i'm still a virgin.but a month before my boyfriend rubbing his erect penis outside of my vagina. without penetration. then he ejaculated from me giving a handjob. right now i am late with my period. is there any possibilities that i am pregnant just from he rubbing the tip of his penis to my vagina..

in need of help ASAP

February 6, 2011 - 9:38pm
(reply to Anonymous)


Have you read the other responses in this thread? Same goes for you. If you really need some peace of mind, run to the store and get a pregnancy test.

Good Luck

February 7, 2011 - 6:52am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,
If there was no sperm transfer into the vagina, there is no chance of pregnancy. If your stomach hurts, this may just be stress. Have you missed your period?


February 6, 2011 - 11:09am
EmpowHER Guest

If his penis was rubbing against my area down there (just like rubbing against the hole he didnt go in).. and i still have my hymen intact.. what are the chances of me being pregnant? This happened a week ago and my stomach has been hurting, am I overreacting??

February 6, 2011 - 8:55am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, I'm 17 and my boyfriend's 18. We were drunk and fooling around and I ended up giving him a h******. When he came I think some of the semen landed near my vagina. His penis didn't touch my vagina at any point. I can't remember when my period is due either, and I'm terrified. Is there a chance I could be pregnant? I know it was stupid of us and now I really feel like an idiot.

February 5, 2011 - 3:49pm
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