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Can you get pregnant without the man ejaculating?

By July 21, 2009 - 12:51pm
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I'm very young and i have not ever had intercourse but my boyfriend rubbed his penis on my clit up and down but did not put it in my hole. He did not wear any protection and neither did he come and his penis was dry but is there any way that i can get pregnant?


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EmpowHER Guest

I am still
Feeling nauseous and now I have some
Clear discharge. That means I'm ovulating right? So I couldn't be pregnant. Ugh I am just so worried that my period won't start around the 25th like normal! I am just tired of feeling nauseous.

January 6, 2011 - 10:27am

I have a question. Last week my boyfriend and I grinded with just my panties on and he had boxers on. He did not enter me and just rubbed his penis against my clit for a couple of seconds. I gave him a blowjob and some cum got on my chest but that is it. When we were done I went to the bathroom and changed my panties. Now this week I have had a slight stomach ache. I think it's just from my allergies and I have been extremely worried :( he told me not to worry but I think I am making myself sick worrying. We have vowed not to engage in that behavior again until we get married. I probably am not pregnant right? I am making my stomach Hirt just thinking about it

January 5, 2011 - 1:17pm
(reply to Cutegirl88)

Yes, you are more than likely not pregnant from this type of activity.
Just in case you do find yourself in the situation again, you may want to educate yourself about sexual activity so you can be confident, and not worry.
For more information, please review these articles: Am I Pregnant after Dry Sex, Making Out with Clothes On?, Outercourse, Dry Humping, Dry Sex, and The Misconceptions of Sex. Also may want to read this one: Answers for Women: Am I Pregnant After Unprotected Sex?
Good luck and let us know how you're doing.

January 6, 2011 - 9:09am
EmpowHER Guest

I have a question, i have been taking the pill for almost a month now 14 days to be exact. On my 2nd week i missed on pill but took it immediately the next day after i missed it, and continued with the pack. around 3 days later, my husband and I had unprotected sex and he did not ejaculate inside me. I take the pill every day around the time of 6PM to 8PM. When I missed the pill, i took it with my pill of the day at 10 PM. Is there a chance I can get pregnant? Thank you!

January 3, 2011 - 5:28am
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your question and for finding EmpowHER. You should be OK, since you made up the pill, took it a few more days before having sex, and he didn't ejaculate inside you.
For more information, please review these articles: How to Make Up MIssed Birth Control Pills and Oops! Missed Birth Control Pill Advocacy Sheet.
Good luck, and let us know how you are doing.

January 3, 2011 - 8:13am
EmpowHER Guest

hi, um ... me and my boyfriend had sexual activities today. he didnt put his penis inside me but it was around the area. he didnt ejaculate but im not sure if he had pre- ejaculation. could i have some advice please? what should i do now?

December 27, 2010 - 4:49pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your post, and for finding EmpowHER. Without real penis to vagina penetration, there is little risk of pregnancy. The real risk is that now that you've done this once, it may not be as easy to stop next time. So the best thing you can do now is to educate yourself as much as you can about sexual activity, and learn how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy so you won't have to worry in the future. Your relationship has obviously passed into a more "physical" phase, so now is the time to prepare yourself--leave nothing to chance. If you are old enough, and in love enough to do this, you should accept responsibility and advocate for your health.
Here are some articles to read. If you have more questions after reading them thoughtfully, let us know:
Am I Pregnant after Dry Sex, Making Out with Clothes On?, Outercourse, Dry Humping, Dry Sex, The Misconceptions of Sex, and Answers for Women: Am I Pregnant After Unprotected Sex?. Finally, here is information about birth control methods. Click on a picture to get more information about the method: Planned Parenthood: Birth Control Effectiveness Chart.
Good luck!

December 28, 2010 - 9:00am
EmpowHER Guest

Is it true that if a guy pees after he ejaculated the sperm is then killed and his pre cum contains no sperm?

December 22, 2010 - 9:50am
(reply to Anonymous)

Each time a man gets an erection, he has pre-cum on his penis, regardless if he urinated right before or not. The medical literature says that most pre-ejaculatory fluid does not contain sperm, but there is a chance that it might...so most experts tell couples to use protection the moment the penis is erect to be protected from unwanted pregnancy.

December 26, 2010 - 7:18pm
EmpowHER Guest

During November, me and my boyfriend were fooling around and he did rub his penis on my clitoris but he never ejaculated near or in my vagina. Two days later, I got my period and I was expected to get it that day too. But this month (December) I haven't gotten it yet, and I've had period symptoms but no bleeding. I'm starting to think I missed this months because of stress because after what happened I started getting a pregnancy scare. I'm confused, I haven't any symptoms of pregnancy at all and I feel perfectly normal. What should I do?

December 22, 2010 - 9:04am
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