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Can you get pregnant without the man ejaculating?

By July 21, 2009 - 12:51pm
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I'm very young and i have not ever had intercourse but my boyfriend rubbed his penis on my clit up and down but did not put it in my hole. He did not wear any protection and neither did he come and his penis was dry but is there any way that i can get pregnant?


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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
If you didn't use any kind of birth control (condom, birth control pills, withdrawal method, etc.), then you absolutely can possibly get pregnant from having sexual intercourse. If it is still within 72 hours of when the sex occurred, you can request the Next Choice, or PlanB pill from your doctor or pharmacist. Be forewarned, I've heard it's roughly $50, but it should help you to not become pregnant. If you do take it, be sure to read the package insert that comes with it so you know what to expect.
Otherwise, you will just need to wait until your next period to find out if you got pregnant from this activity, and be sure to not put yourself at further risk by using protection if you should engage in sexual intimacy again. If you miss your period, you can take a home pregnancy test.
Good luck, and let us know if you have more questions after you decide what to do.

April 18, 2011 - 7:25am
EmpowHER Guest

Ok, so I am the girl who posted above. I have still not gotten my period and it's the 15th. I am having cramps like I am going to get it but nothing happens. I am assuming since it has always started around the 25th that since it was late in February an didn't start until the 3rd of March, that it will start at the end of this month as usual. I just don't get why it was so messed up that month and now I am cramping almost two weeks before it's even due. We didn't have sex, just rubbed. I am so scared that I am pregnant. I am not having any other symptoms. I would appreciate any feedbac

April 15, 2011 - 2:47pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon,

Your March period wasn't necessarily late-- keep in mind that February only has 28 days. Your period for April, however, is late but like I said, it can be due to stress, eating habits, weight loss/gain, etc.
If you are concerned about pregnancy then you can ease your mind by taking a home pregnancy test but if you did not have sex, then you are not pregnant.

Good Luck,


April 16, 2011 - 5:03am
EmpowHER Guest

OK, I have a question. About 2 weeks ago me and my boyfriend were rubbing on eachother. I had on a thong and at first he didnt have on anything. He rubbed his penis on my vagina for a couple of minuted and later on he put his underwear back on. I gave him a handjob, and he cleaned up afterwards. We did somemore rubbing but this time he had on his underwear and I still had on my thong. He never went inside me and never has. So here is the question. For a while now my periods have been coming around the 25th of each month. In December and January they came on the 25th. In February, it didn't come until late ( I am assuming it's because February only has 28 days in it this year and it messed it up) because it came on March 2nd or 3rd, I can't remember. It was my regular period, nothing unusual. It's April 12th and I still have not gotten it yet. At first I was very concerned and trying to figure out why it did not come around the 2nd or 3rd like it did in April. Could it be that I was just late that moth because of the short month and this month it will go back to being on the 25th or 26th? I have never been late before as long as I can remember. I am only 22. Like I said, all we did was rub and I wasn't even fully naked. I have heard about pre cum and the risks, but I just can't wrap my mind around how it could have happened by what we did. My late period has just started to worry me and I am trying not to stress or anything because I know that can delay it. I just don't get why it is late this one month? I mean, just because it was late in February and didn't occur until March 2nd, could that totally throw it off completely? I just want to get it for this moth but I am so confused when it might come. I am praying that it regulates itself and comes at the end of this month as usual. Please help :(

April 12, 2011 - 3:12pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon,

You are more than likely just late on your period. You can take a pregnancy test to ease your mind but if what you describe is accurate and you have never had sex with your boyfriend then you are not pregnant-- just late.

Good Luck to you!

April 13, 2011 - 6:07am
EmpowHER Guest

uhh i was trying to delete my account bc this site is for women and i dont remember why i signed up. but i have to voice my opinion. it makes me sad when people say they are done with sexual activity. i think this is very strange. how can you not be sexually active? Sex and masturbation is a huge part of my life it keeps away depression headaches and other ailments. so to those of you who are scared of it because of pregnancy or STDS it is simple. take birth control and have your partners tested before doing anything with them. condoms really dont feel right. i dont know many girls who dont like to have sex. it connects the partners spiritually and emotionally

April 11, 2011 - 10:50pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi. I commented about a month ago and mentioned that I had been messing around with my boyfriend, and that we were both naked and he ejaculated, and some of it landed near my vagina. I had two periods since then, both of which seemed heavier than usual, and I did two pregnancy tests (it came in a pack of two), both of which came out negative. This month however, my period is late, and I don't remember this happening in the past (though I'm not sure as I don't really keep track, I just know they usually start around the same time every month). It's got me worried about pregnancy again, as I'm not sure what this means.

April 10, 2011 - 9:13am
(reply to Anonymous)

If you have had two menstrual periods, plus two negative pregnancy tests, this means you are not pregnant from the time a month ago you were "messing around with your boyfriend".

If you have had any sexual activity with your boyfriend AFTER your most recent period, there is a chance of pregnancy if you did not use birth control (or if ejaculatory fluid was near, on, in, beside your vagina).

Please be sure to use a condom for any future sexual activity, so you don't have to worry!

If you have not had any sexual activity since a month ago...you are not pregnant and may just have a late period (even though you said you aren't really keeping track).

April 10, 2011 - 7:36pm
EmpowHER Guest

Thank you! I feel a little better now. Back in February is when they started getting irregular. I usually would start on the 25 or 26th and in January I started on the 25th and ended on the 30th. In Febryary I didn't start until March 3rd and now I have not started yet. Could it be possible for my period to be regulating itself and now for April I will start on the 25th or 26th? Back in March my period was completely regular as far as flow.

April 10, 2011 - 6:57am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,
Don't worry, it is very common to have irregular periods well into your 20s. There are many things that will cause a delay in your period such as stress, diet changes, exercise changes and then the best one of all (for no reason at all). Sometimes it just happens with no good reason at all. If you are not having sex, you should not be concerned for pregnancy.

If you miss for more than a couple cycles (2 months) then call your physician. Otherwise, don't be too concerned as it always seems to come back. Keep us posted.


April 9, 2011 - 10:35am
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