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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
If you didn't use any kind of birth control (condom, birth control pills, withdrawal method, etc.), then you absolutely can possibly get pregnant from having sexual intercourse. If it is still within 72 hours of when the sex occurred, you can request the Next Choice, or PlanB pill from your doctor or pharmacist. Be forewarned, I've heard it's roughly $50, but it should help you to not become pregnant. If you do take it, be sure to read the package insert that comes with it so you know what to expect.
Otherwise, you will just need to wait until your next period to find out if you got pregnant from this activity, and be sure to not put yourself at further risk by using protection if you should engage in sexual intimacy again. If you miss your period, you can take a home pregnancy test.
Good luck, and let us know if you have more questions after you decide what to do.

April 18, 2011 - 7:25am


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