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I got my period after taking Plan B pills even though I just had my period 3 days before.

By August 12, 2009 - 9:20pm
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My bf and I had unprotected sex right atfer I just ended my period I took plan B pills and the next day I got my period again even though I just had it 3 days earlier. But now I still haven't gotten my period. Is it possible that I'm just late?

Can anyone please help me? I'm thinking I'm just going to get my period really late. Or is it possible that I am pregnant? Answers asap please.

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Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Thanks for responding Alison. I took another pregnancy test Thursday and it was negative. I still haven't started my period either.

July 3, 2010 - 10:24am
EmpowHER Guest

i have a question. my boyfriend and i had protected sex on the 7th of june, a monday, & the second day off my period. so i shouldnt have been ovulating. the condom broke but he didnt cum, it was just pre cum. but we were still really scared so i went 2 days after and got the plan b pill. i took it on wednesday. and the monday after i got spotting/my period. it is now june 28th & im SITLL have spotting/period. so its been 2 weeks!!! idkk what to do. i really want it to go away and just be normal. could i be pregnant? is this REALLY abnormal? this just sucks. PLEASE help me.

June 28, 2010 - 7:00pm
(reply to Anonymous)

I'm sorry!

It is normal to have breakthrough bleeding when using Plan B.

Can you tell us more about your spotting/period...because that is an important distinction. Here is what I gather from your message:
1. Your last menstrual cycle began sometime around June 1st or earlier
2. You took Plan B June 9th
3. You began "spotting/my period" on June 14th
4. As of June 28th (16 days), you are still "spotting/period"

Have you been bleeding consistently throughout these 16 days, every day?
- Is the bleeding heavy or light...such as a period (need a pad or tampon), or,
- Is the bleeding spotting (barely need a panty liner), or
- Has it been a combination of the two scenarios above?

What it could be: spotting is normal after taking Plan B. Now that it is June 29th, your period could be starting a little early. It is important to know if you have been bleeding *continuously* for 16 days, or are experiencing some spotting for a few days, then when you think it has stopped, a little more spotting, then it stopped, now you are experiencing more bleeding like a period. (Or, some combination of the above scenario).

If you have been bleeding (heavy or light; significantly more than spotting) for 16 days consecutively, you should call your doctor. You are not likely pregnant, as a viable pregnancy does not include bleeding.

If you are able to respond back, I would love to know what you mean by, "he didn't cum, it was just pre cum". Do you mean he did cum (ejaculate)? How are you defining "pre cum"?

I hope to hear back from you soon!

June 29, 2010 - 7:09pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Hello! thank you SO much for replying! okay he did NOT cum in the condom i know that because well.. lets just say i saw him cum but it wasnt in the condom. it was after we were finished. he was "playing around" and came. BUT anyways. my last menstral cycle started may 29. && i was SUPPOSED to start june 30th. my bleeding HAS stopped!! it stopped june 30th which is weird because i was supposed to start then. to answer your questions in the condom was just what they call "pre cum" like not sprem but seamen? the stuff that comes before the sperm. && also the bleeding started out by spotting and like what youd see at the beginning or end of your period. it was like that pretty much the whole time but last friday (june 25th) i got up in the middle of the night and it was like a full on period. like really heavy and continued till about sunday afternoon. but i havent seen any blood since tuesday!! i think this is good.. im scared to go to the doctor because i dont want my mom to find out... but if you think i should i will. but since the bleeding stopped 2 days ago is that a good sign? again thank you SO much!!!!

July 1, 2010 - 7:57pm
EmpowHER Guest

Your welcome h.m. Good luck and we will be waiting for the update.

June 26, 2010 - 2:39pm
EmpowHER Guest

-OMG thankss so much!
I will sure keep updated! ( ;
& yess its prob my nerves I just need to calm down but I will keep updated on those stomach pains! Thnkss so much again ( ;


June 26, 2010 - 12:50pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,

Every time you have sex, there is a chance of pregnancy. If you already took two pregnancy tests, you should be fine. One thing that you should know about taking Plan B is that for the next couple months you may have irregular periods. The stomach pains may just be associated with stress and fear of the situation but if it continues, you should certainly seek a physicians opinion.

Pregnancy tests are not 100% guaranteed to detect pregnancy but they are pretty accurate. If you find yourself not being too concerned about the incident, you may feel better. The best thing you can do for the future is be better prepared and getting on another sort of birth control method as there are many different kinds to choose from these days. I hope this helps calm your nerves and will you keep us updated on the stomach pains?

June 26, 2010 - 9:54am
EmpowHER Guest

Well like everyone I have a question.
Me & my bf had sex on june 13th, the condom ripped & well yess everythn went inside! : O! I quickly sent him for a plan b one step pill, I am not on birthcontrol or any sort. I took it & well I got my period 7 days later the follwin sunday 20, a day early. I am never usually regular but i?had been for 3 months. My period was a dark redish color & sumtimes heavy. Im now finishng but im havin these terrible stomach pains. is it just my nerves or does it mwan sumthn? plzzzz help i took a preg test & they both came out negativw.

June 26, 2010 - 8:10am
EmpowHER Guest

hi. so me and gf had sex about a month and a half ago. and it was our first time so i sort of freaked out about getting her pregnant so i got her a plan b pill the next day. 5 days later her period came. after that period 3 weeks later she said she saw one little clump of brown discharge. and people told me that its either implantation bleeding or her pregnant is coming soon. her period was suppose to come on june 12th but now its june 25th and it did not come yet. we took a pregnancy test on june 23rd and it came out negative. she told me that she has been getting these white clear liquid fluid coming out of her and her boobs are sore. she said she can feel her period coming but its not coming out? is there any chance she could be pregnant? we had a negative on the pregnancy test so should we still be worried about it?

June 25, 2010 - 11:16pm
EmpowHER Guest

I have a question. My husband and I use the pull out method, I have issues with synthetic hormones in my body. We both accept the risk and actually it has always worked before. We have 2 beautiful children who were concieved the same month we decided to stop pulling out. Anyway, last month we had sex and he came in me because I miscalculated in my head my fertile time(duh, how easy is it to miscalculate when your in the moment lol) and told him just to edjaculate in me. The next day I realized that I was fertile and took the plan b pill 2 days later(on Mothers day). I got my period a little more than a week later on the 21st(May) which happened to be the exact time I expected it. It was normal, maybe just a bit on the heavy side. So I was expecting it to come this month(June) on the 21st. Now, 4 days late. I took a test yesterday and it was negative. However, still no period. My husband finally admitted to me yesterday that he may have messed up when we had sex on the 18th, I wasnt "suppose" to be fertile at that time but now I am reading about how the Plan B pill can screw up your cycle. Could the Plan B pill have altered the time I ovulated? If so, and I got pregnant the 18th it would be too early to of tested yesterday. So any opinions on the likelyhood of this period not ever coming?

June 24, 2010 - 11:27am
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