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hi. so me and gf had sex about a month and a half ago. and it was our first time so i sort of freaked out about getting her pregnant so i got her a plan b pill the next day. 5 days later her period came. after that period 3 weeks later she said she saw one little clump of brown discharge. and people told me that its either implantation bleeding or her pregnant is coming soon. her period was suppose to come on june 12th but now its june 25th and it did not come yet. we took a pregnancy test on june 23rd and it came out negative. she told me that she has been getting these white clear liquid fluid coming out of her and her boobs are sore. she said she can feel her period coming but its not coming out? is there any chance she could be pregnant? we had a negative on the pregnancy test so should we still be worried about it?

June 25, 2010 - 11:16pm


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