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(reply to Anonymous)

I'm sorry!

It is normal to have breakthrough bleeding when using Plan B.

Can you tell us more about your spotting/period...because that is an important distinction. Here is what I gather from your message:
1. Your last menstrual cycle began sometime around June 1st or earlier
2. You took Plan B June 9th
3. You began "spotting/my period" on June 14th
4. As of June 28th (16 days), you are still "spotting/period"

Have you been bleeding consistently throughout these 16 days, every day?
- Is the bleeding heavy or light...such as a period (need a pad or tampon), or,
- Is the bleeding spotting (barely need a panty liner), or
- Has it been a combination of the two scenarios above?

What it could be: spotting is normal after taking Plan B. Now that it is June 29th, your period could be starting a little early. It is important to know if you have been bleeding *continuously* for 16 days, or are experiencing some spotting for a few days, then when you think it has stopped, a little more spotting, then it stopped, now you are experiencing more bleeding like a period. (Or, some combination of the above scenario).

If you have been bleeding (heavy or light; significantly more than spotting) for 16 days consecutively, you should call your doctor. You are not likely pregnant, as a viable pregnancy does not include bleeding.

If you are able to respond back, I would love to know what you mean by, "he didn't cum, it was just pre cum". Do you mean he did cum (ejaculate)? How are you defining "pre cum"?

I hope to hear back from you soon!

June 29, 2010 - 7:09pm


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