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EmpowHER Guest

I have a question. My husband and I use the pull out method, I have issues with synthetic hormones in my body. We both accept the risk and actually it has always worked before. We have 2 beautiful children who were concieved the same month we decided to stop pulling out. Anyway, last month we had sex and he came in me because I miscalculated in my head my fertile time(duh, how easy is it to miscalculate when your in the moment lol) and told him just to edjaculate in me. The next day I realized that I was fertile and took the plan b pill 2 days later(on Mothers day). I got my period a little more than a week later on the 21st(May) which happened to be the exact time I expected it. It was normal, maybe just a bit on the heavy side. So I was expecting it to come this month(June) on the 21st. Now, 4 days late. I took a test yesterday and it was negative. However, still no period. My husband finally admitted to me yesterday that he may have messed up when we had sex on the 18th, I wasnt "suppose" to be fertile at that time but now I am reading about how the Plan B pill can screw up your cycle. Could the Plan B pill have altered the time I ovulated? If so, and I got pregnant the 18th it would be too early to of tested yesterday. So any opinions on the likelyhood of this period not ever coming?

June 24, 2010 - 11:27am


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