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Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Hello! thank you SO much for replying! okay he did NOT cum in the condom i know that because well.. lets just say i saw him cum but it wasnt in the condom. it was after we were finished. he was "playing around" and came. BUT anyways. my last menstral cycle started may 29. && i was SUPPOSED to start june 30th. my bleeding HAS stopped!! it stopped june 30th which is weird because i was supposed to start then. to answer your questions in the condom was just what they call "pre cum" like not sprem but seamen? the stuff that comes before the sperm. && also the bleeding started out by spotting and like what youd see at the beginning or end of your period. it was like that pretty much the whole time but last friday (june 25th) i got up in the middle of the night and it was like a full on period. like really heavy and continued till about sunday afternoon. but i havent seen any blood since tuesday!! i think this is good.. im scared to go to the doctor because i dont want my mom to find out... but if you think i should i will. but since the bleeding stopped 2 days ago is that a good sign? again thank you SO much!!!!

July 1, 2010 - 7:57pm


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