Dr. Sorenson describes the association between inflammatory bowel disease and vitamin D.
Dr. Sorenson, Ed.D.:
There is a vitamin D connection. Now, it’s not as strong as what we see with breast cancer and some of the other diseases, but it does appear that people with the lowest vitamin D levels have higher rates of inflammatory bowel diseases.
One of the things that we need to realize about vitamin D is it is a very, very potent anti-inflammatory hormone, and it reduces what are known as pro-inflammatory cytokines, which you would have in disease such as IBD–Inflammatory Bowel Disease—so it reduces those, and at the same time, it produces anti-inflammatory cytokines. It’s a kind of, like you’d say, “How in the world does it know how to do this? How it recognizes which is which?” Pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory does everything that it needs to do in terms of reducing inflammation in the body.
Consequently, this is an aside, and we may want to talk about this further, but people with the lowest levels of vitamin D also have approximately two and a half times a chance of dying of a heart attack suddenly. And we know that inflammation is a major cause of heart disease and heart attacks. So the two, everything locks up together in these diseases.
About Dr. Marc Sorenson, Ed.D.:
Dr. Marc Sorenson, Ed.D., and his wife, Vicki, developed one of the top health resorts in the world, known as National Institute of Fitness (NIF). During their time at NIF their clients lost over one hundred tons of fat. Two thirds of diabetic guests were free of all medication in less than two weeks, and many others recovered from high cholesterol, hypertension, lupus, arthritis, migraines, asthma and allergies.
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