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What Is Wellness Coaching? - Wellness Coach Deborah Kesten (VIDEO)

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What Is Wellness Coaching? - Wellness Coach Deborah Kesten (VIDEO)
What Is Wellness Coaching? - Wellness Coach Deborah Kesten (VIDEO)
5 of 30 : Current video

Wellness Coach Deborah Kesten explains the concept of wellness coaching.

Deborah Kesten:
Wellness coaching is a new field and wellness coaching specifically works with health professionals who are highly skilled and trained, and then gives them additional skills to work with people to help them achieve and transform whatever health problem they may have, and that means that a health professional is working with somebody to help them prevent, halt, manage or reverse heart disease, in my case and my husband Larry Scherwitz’s case, heart disease and obesity, overeating, overweight, and obesity.

And another area in which I specialize, and so does Larry, is also to bring balance, physical, emotional, spiritual, and social balance into one’s life, whether that be through excess stress, whether that be through imbalanced hormones, imbalanced diet, imbalanced whatever, to help people balance their life, and in turn, their wellness and their weight and heart health.

About Deborah Kesten, M.P.H.:
Deborah Kesten, M.P.H., is an international nutrition and lifestyle researcher and educator, with a specialty in preventing and reversing obesity and heart disease. She was the nutritionist on Dr. Dean Ornish’s first clinical trial for reversing heart disease through lifestyle changes, and Director of Nutrition on similar research at cardiovascular clinics in Europe. More recently, she has created the pioneering Enlightened Diet, a “whole person” optimal eating and weight loss program, the results of which were published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. With more than 200 published health articles, she is the award-winning author of The Enlightened Diet, Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul and The Healing Secrets of Food, a comprehensive, evidence-based nutrition program about the power of food to heal physically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially.

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