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Weight Loss Coaching, How Is It Different From Dieting? - Wellness Coach Deborah Kesten (VIDEO)

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Weight Loss Coaching, How Is It Different From Dieting? - Wellness Coach Deborah Kesten (VIDEO)
Weight Loss Coaching, How Is It Different From Dieting? - Wellness Coach ...
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Wellness Coach Deborah Kesten shares how dieting and weight loss coaching differ.

Deborah Kesten:
Dieting is about deprivation. Dieting is about somebody or some book telling you what to eat, and then you go, “Okay, I lost a few pounds,” and go, “Please, where is the food I really like,” and you go back to that.

Coaching on an optimal level for weight loss and wellness has to do with meeting people where they are and then helping them transform where they are to go where they want to go. What I mean by that is, you know, in the martial arts, it’s you break people’s force that way, yes? And, very often with dieting and health field, you have people saying, “You should eat this way, go on this diet, you ought to do this.”

And I am suggesting that with coaching, wellness coaching, and the approach that I put together, the whole-person nutrition program and Aikido, which is a martial art, instead of breaking the force, you meet the person where they are and then you work with them that way. So you are not breaking someone’s force through health education, telling them what they should eat or giving them a book to read that tells them what they should eat, but rather you are finding out where they are in terms of what their health concern is, whether it be heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, they are all interconnected, weight, and then working with them to move them where they want to go, based on what’s best for them and what optimal eating is for them personally.

About Deborah Kesten, M.P.H.:
Deborah Kesten, M.P.H., is an international nutrition and lifestyle researcher and educator, with a specialty in preventing and reversing obesity and heart disease. She was the nutritionist on Dr. Dean Ornish’s first clinical trial for reversing heart disease through lifestyle changes, and Director of Nutrition on similar research at cardiovascular clinics in Europe. More recently, she has created the pioneering Enlightened Diet, a “whole person” optimal eating and weight loss program, the results of which were published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. With more than 200 published health articles, she is the award-winning author of The Enlightened Diet, Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul and The Healing Secrets of Food, a comprehensive, evidence-based nutrition program about the power of food to heal physically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially.

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