Dr. Horwitz explains how the spices turmeric and ginger help protect against an autoimmune dysfunction.
Dr. Horwitz:
Turmeric and ginger affect gene expression of cells. Cells, when they get inflamed, let me define inflammation first, when people get inflamed, you inflamed someone or insight them, they yell, they get angry. Cells don’t have mouths; they can’t yell. However, what they can do is elaborate chemicals called inflammatory mediators and that lets all the cells around them know, “Hey, something is going on here. We are irritated. Come on in.” Cell start coming in and they get into high gear, they get kicked up into high gear.
Turmeric, ginger, some of the other anti-inflammatories, even prednisone if we are looking at conventional steroids, will turn off the switch, turn off those mediators that are produced so the cell is more relaxed.
The effect is immunosuppression at some level with drugs a lot worse than with botanicals and dietary supplements. But the whole idea is to temper that reaction.
About Dr. Randy Horwitz, Ph.D., M.D.:
Dr. Randy Horwitz, Ph.D., M.D., received a B.S. degree in biochemistry from the University of Illinois, and a Ph.D. in Immunology and Molecular Biology from the University of Florida. He received his medical degree from the University of Illinois, and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at University Hospitals (Case Western Reserve University) in Cleveland.
Visit Dr. Horwitz at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine