Dr. Horwitz explains if a woman's diet can help alleviate autoimmune disease symptoms.
Dr. Horwitz:
Well, it certainly has been shown in many cases and you can pick any autoimmune condition. Rheumatoid arthritis is a good example, it’s a common autoimmune condition and they have done testing where they take people who have flares of rheumatoid arthritis and the disease waxes and wanes, as is the case with most autoimmune conditions, and what they found is they found is they can either use a corticosteroid such as prednisone or they can use an elemental diet and that is basically a very basic diet of tube-feed formulation that you take orally and interestingly, either one of those, the pharmaceutical or the nutritional approach, result in very similar results.
The flare leaves with similar time course and it’s fascinating, this control that you can have over autoimmunity based on what you put in your mouth. It doesn’t have to be a pharmacologic agent. Sometimes you need them, but in other cases people can try the more natural approach.
About Dr. Randy Horwitz, Ph.D., M.D.:
Dr. Randy Horwitz, Ph.D., M.D., received a B.S. degree in biochemistry from the University of Illinois, and a Ph.D. in Immunology and Molecular Biology from the University of Florida. He received his medical degree from the University of Illinois, and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at University Hospitals (Case Western Reserve University) in Cleveland.
Visit Dr. Horwitz at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine