Dr. Horwitz explains if consuming dairy products are harmful to the immune system.
Dr. Horwitz:
You know, there is not a lot of good data to support a role for dairy products. What we found at our clinic is certainly when you are dealing with many immunologic issues dairy constitutes an animal protein that tends to be a little more exacerbating.
When we are talking about asthma, allergic diseases, a much bigger role, we find that when people cut out dairy their sinusitis frequency goes down, their allergies, nasal allergies get better, asthma can sometimes improve, but we are lacking the hard studies to definitively prove that.
The problem is asthma and many of these other conditions are heterogeneous, that is, your asthma and allergy may be different from your neighbors. You may wheeze. You may get chest tightness. You may have some of the same symptoms. Your triggers are different and you are different, and what we are learning is there’s a whole range of people when we say you have allergies or asthma, there is a whole range of definitions for that.
About Dr. Randy Horwitz, Ph.D., M.D.:
Dr. Randy Horwitz, Ph.D., M.D., received a B.S. degree in biochemistry from the University of Illinois, and a Ph.D. in Immunology and Molecular Biology from the University of Florida. He received his medical degree from the University of Illinois, and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at University Hospitals (Case Western Reserve University) in Cleveland.
Visit Dr. Horwitz at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine