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Is it normal for my arm muscle in my shoulder to hurt 2 weeks after flu shot?

By December 7, 2008 - 7:32am
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Pain from flu shot

I was happy to receive the flu shot this year, as I feel like it's "doing my part" to stop the spread of the influenza virus. Plus, any inoculation that can either prevent, or lessen the symptoms, of flu is motivation to me!

I've received the flu shot annually, for the past 10 years. I have the typical soreness at site, possibly a little tired that evening. But that's it.

This year...my shoulder muscle (at the site of the injection) is still painful, so much that I can't move my arm forward at shoulder-level, or lift my arm up over my head, without a sharp pain in that one muscle. If my arm is still, it does not hurt. It is affecting my sleep, as I am confined to sleeping on only my right side (it is my left arm that hurts).

Are there any other reports of this flu shot symptom? Did I just not move my arm enough after the shot (kind of "favored it"), or is there something else wrong??

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(reply to Anonymous)

I really hope that you feel better soon. I hope that you have contacted your doctor and reported what has happened. Our Pharmacy quit giving the flu shots a couple of years ago. Too many people out there who have had very negative responses. Good luck to you!

October 23, 2012 - 6:06am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I don't believe the problem is the "flu" shot. I believe the problem is getting a shot in the upper arm. There have been comments by others that had other types of shots and had the same problem. I know if I ever get another flu shot or any other kind of shot it will be in the hip, NOT in the arm. 2 years of hell and pain and pushing myself to the limit with my arm was the only thing that got me back to normal

October 22, 2012 - 7:27pm
(reply to Anonymous)

I am the one who started this again a week ago with "I hope people are still reading this...." but I have since signed up for an account because I love the community support here! I agree that perhaps it is shots in the upper arm in general, because I had both the flu and pneumonia shot at the same time (I am too young for the pneumonia shot but that's a long story) and I had this reaction. Since I wrote about the muscular hurting, I developed quite the wicked infection in my upper arm that spread the length from my shoulder to the crook of my elbow, turning the whole thing red, purple and bruised that hurt to the touch. I went in and they said the shots gave me "cellulitis" and over two days I got two shots in the hip and a ten day supply of 4-a-day antibiotics. The shots in the rear bruised but no reaction like the arm! I can't believe I had that much of a reaction in my arm just to two shots. I will not ever get them there again, that is for sure.

October 23, 2012 - 12:45pm

I really hate to hear that you are suffering. On the 23rd of this month..it will be 3 years since my LAST flu shot. I am still dealing with pain and severe limitations. See the previous postings that I have made over the past 3 years. Hope everything works out for you..I would print a few pages of these comments out to take to your doctor..because the majority of those good folks will not even entertain the thought that your shot could have caused you so much grief. Good luck and keep us posted.

September 16, 2012 - 6:19pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to vloveday)

I hope people are still reading this, but I got a flu and pneumonia shot yesterday and already cannot lift my left (nondominant) arm over shoulder level. My husband had to help me get my shirt over my head to get dressed for work. This happened three years ago when I got the three-shot series for HPV before I turned 26 (29 now). I couldn't use my arm correctly for months and went to the doctor and they brushed me off saying I must have pulled it. It happened both times immediately, within hours, of the shots and the shot bandaids are still on up near my shoulder. Any advice?

October 16, 2012 - 3:51pm
(reply to Anonymous)

I had the same problem about 3 years ago. From what I have been told they hit a nerve when they gave you the shot. The most important thing is ... USE THE ARM! Even when it hurts force yourself to use it to keep range of motion. Mine was so bad I couldn't (and didn't know) and I developed frozen shoulder. It took me 23 months before I could start really using my left arm again without much pain. If you can't move it on your own get your husband to help by moving in for you regardless of the pain.

Also, don't let the doctors push you around. Only you know for sure when something is wrong... SQUEAK LOUDLY (squeaky wheel gets the oil) ! I have had doctors poo poo me a couple of times only to find out later that I was right! One time my husband hurt his shoulder and the doctor kept giving him anti inflammatories and we kept telling him it was more than that, 6 months later we found out he tore his rotator cuff.

October 16, 2012 - 6:40pm
(reply to Anonymous)

People do still read this..some of us have been reading and responding for several years. I am sorry to hear of your problem. My advice would be to consult your physician right away. The sooner, the better. This thread is about 4 years old. My pain/limitations/problem is 3 years old now. It changed my life....and there hasn't been a cure. I hope that your case is different. Read back through the postings...you will find valuable information. Good luck.

October 16, 2012 - 4:34pm
EmpowHER Guest

Went to my private doctor and got a bunch of vaccines for school and a flu shot (2012). Total of two shots in my left shoulder and one in my right forearm. However, a day and have after my shots my shoulder started hurting, i paid little attention and guessed it was a possible side-effect for some people after some shots. A day later, my Arm HURTS LIKE A SONVABTCH! It hurts, feels extremely sore, and swollen. I go to the gym and know how swollen after a workout feels but this is like a pure pain of soreness. I hurts to put a shirt on, hurts to raise my arm over shoulder level, and hurts to put on a bookbag -__-. It is extremely irritating and is giving me a huge burden on my day. It's day two after the shots. One more day (tomorrow) if it keeps hurting like today, I will speak with my doctor about this. I will post my answer from him and results maybe day or two from now.

September 13, 2012 - 5:20pm
EmpowHER Guest

i got tetauns yesterday and lastnight wasnt able to lye on it this morning wasnt able to lift arm up past head or out or grab anything my upper arm and shoulder is very sore not sure if its meant to hurt this much feels like my shoulder and arm has been pulled out of socket but isnt that even my armpit is sore does anyone know if its bad or not

April 5, 2012 - 8:38pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am so glad I found this thread! I got a flu shot in my right arm/shoulder area on 10-12-11 and I am experiencing these same symptoms. My arm is fine when it is still but painful to sleep on. Cannot raise my arm without discomfort, and woe to me if I have to raise my arm quickly - (if you have smaller kids then sometimes you need to catch them from tripping, catch something falling, etc). I have been reduced to tears lying on the floor howling in pain. Hooking my bra behind me is getting touch, too. I am an active, hardy, healthy woman that takes care of an acre of land by myself. I would know if there was an injury that caused this. It all started after the shot.
My husband is making me go see my PCP now that it has been a long time with no relief. Has anyone had it subside and recover completely?? Summer is coming and I want to be able to swim & enjoy the outdoors in my garden! I know I couldn't swim with this kind of pain.

April 2, 2012 - 10:11am
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