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(reply to Anonymous)

I had the same problem about 3 years ago. From what I have been told they hit a nerve when they gave you the shot. The most important thing is ... USE THE ARM! Even when it hurts force yourself to use it to keep range of motion. Mine was so bad I couldn't (and didn't know) and I developed frozen shoulder. It took me 23 months before I could start really using my left arm again without much pain. If you can't move it on your own get your husband to help by moving in for you regardless of the pain.

Also, don't let the doctors push you around. Only you know for sure when something is wrong... SQUEAK LOUDLY (squeaky wheel gets the oil) ! I have had doctors poo poo me a couple of times only to find out later that I was right! One time my husband hurt his shoulder and the doctor kept giving him anti inflammatories and we kept telling him it was more than that, 6 months later we found out he tore his rotator cuff.

October 16, 2012 - 6:40pm


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