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EmpowHER Guest

Went to my private doctor and got a bunch of vaccines for school and a flu shot (2012). Total of two shots in my left shoulder and one in my right forearm. However, a day and have after my shots my shoulder started hurting, i paid little attention and guessed it was a possible side-effect for some people after some shots. A day later, my Arm HURTS LIKE A SONVABTCH! It hurts, feels extremely sore, and swollen. I go to the gym and know how swollen after a workout feels but this is like a pure pain of soreness. I hurts to put a shirt on, hurts to raise my arm over shoulder level, and hurts to put on a bookbag -__-. It is extremely irritating and is giving me a huge burden on my day. It's day two after the shots. One more day (tomorrow) if it keeps hurting like today, I will speak with my doctor about this. I will post my answer from him and results maybe day or two from now.

September 13, 2012 - 5:20pm


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