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EmpowHER Guest

I am so glad I found this thread! I got a flu shot in my right arm/shoulder area on 10-12-11 and I am experiencing these same symptoms. My arm is fine when it is still but painful to sleep on. Cannot raise my arm without discomfort, and woe to me if I have to raise my arm quickly - (if you have smaller kids then sometimes you need to catch them from tripping, catch something falling, etc). I have been reduced to tears lying on the floor howling in pain. Hooking my bra behind me is getting touch, too. I am an active, hardy, healthy woman that takes care of an acre of land by myself. I would know if there was an injury that caused this. It all started after the shot.
My husband is making me go see my PCP now that it has been a long time with no relief. Has anyone had it subside and recover completely?? Summer is coming and I want to be able to swim & enjoy the outdoors in my garden! I know I couldn't swim with this kind of pain.

April 2, 2012 - 10:11am


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