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Can you get pregnant without the man ejaculating?

By July 21, 2009 - 12:51pm
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I'm very young and i have not ever had intercourse but my boyfriend rubbed his penis on my clit up and down but did not put it in my hole. He did not wear any protection and neither did he come and his penis was dry but is there any way that i can get pregnant?


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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
In your case, rubbing his penis on your vagina after anal is a no-no. Even more than any possible sperm, I would be more concerned with possible bacterial infection. Always wash thoroughly after anal, and keep it away from your vagina. And remember you still need to be concerned with STD/STIs when engaging in anal intercourse. It's just as important to make sure you are limiting your partners even if you aren't having vaginal intercourse.
For more information, check out this link: How Safe is Anal Sex?

Hope that helps.

January 10, 2011 - 8:59am
EmpowHER Guest

i agree it is very scary. Can someone please answer my questions for me..i posted 2 comments ago and would like some help. I've also realized that the past 3 or 4 days this is all i have been thinking about and i know that added worry and stress will make you miss and be late for your period. I have not been sleeping well do to time change. I was home for xmas for 2 weeks and before that been in europe for 4 months. I recently returned back to europe earlier this week and i know that is why i am not sleeping well because of the time change. I really think that even though what i have done could result in a pregnancy it is very low but there. Because i have been worrying every second that I am i know that the mind will actually start believing it and make me think I'm having symptoms when i'm not. Please help...i know my posts are long but i would really appreciate it. Thank you.

January 9, 2011 - 1:25pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
I'm sorry you are worrying so much. You may want to take the feeling you are having and use it to learn all you can about sexual activity so you can advocate for your health, and won't have to be so anxious. When you have penis to vagina contact, there is a slight risk. And yes, when you have penetration, the risk increases. If you say what happened is what actually happened, then it's likely your period is irregular at this time. However, generally speaking we can't tell you odds and we are not doctors. So the best thing is to use protection (condom, spermicide, doctor-prescribed birth control pills, etc.) in the future if you plan to continue to be sexually active.
For more information, please review these articles: Am I Pregnant after Dry Sex, Making Out with Clothes On?, Outercourse, Dry Humping, Dry Sex, and The Misconceptions of Sex.
Good luck and let us know if you have more questions after thoughtfully reading the articles.

January 10, 2011 - 8:49am
EmpowHER Guest

I know exactly how you feel because I am going through the same thing. I have never been penetrated but his penis did come in contact with my vagina through my panties. I have been making myself feel and think that I am pregnant for about a week now, but I know this is probably impossible because I would not be feeling anything right now and he didn't come or anything inside me. I am really paranoid and this is freaking me out :( I don't start my period until around the 24th, and I am believing in Jesus name that I will start and everything will be normal! :)

January 9, 2011 - 12:44pm
EmpowHER Guest

So I think I just had an upset tummy from all the food I have eaten because I feel pretty much fine today! I really got freaked out though!!! I thought I was pregnant and we fooled around last Thursday lol. I guess I was over reacting ecause he didn't even go inside me. I am just really paranoid. I am just ready for my period to come around the 25th so my mind will be at ease. Anyone have suggestions on how to calm my mind until then??

January 8, 2011 - 12:05pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

help me please...i feel that i am making my situation into something it is not. However, what i've been reading indicates that there are possiblities of getting pregnant without penetration. I have never had intercourse this way..only rubbing genitals together and if he does ejaculate is has never been on my vagina but at time near. The last time (sat jan 1) we fooled around we imitated sex with his penis on the outside of my vagina for a minute or so. (before this we hadn't fooled around for a few days) Since I am tight he had no way of penetrating but could this still be considered penetration if the tip is on the vagina?. After that he rubbed is penis on my vagina until he came on my leg and stomach area. I am worried because my period although not at the same exact time every month it is usually within a few days or so at least. I should of had it sometime this week but again they are sometimes diff and later. I have symptoms like heavier boobs and have urinated a little more but those are also signs of my period. I have slight cramping like i am about to start but it hasn't happened yet. I also took a HPT yesterday because i am paranoid and so worried. it was negative. I almost feel like I am making myself feel that i am pregnant when i am not. Please help me. Are my chances really high if when he does ejaculate i make sure that none is close to the opening of my vagina?

January 9, 2011 - 11:35am
EmpowHER Guest

No. Last week me and my boyfriend grinded with my panties on and his boxers. He ha his penis out at one point but did not enter me at all. It touched me down there, and he did cum when I gave him a blowjob but I changed my panties afterwards. We didn't have sex. At re beginning of this week I had nausea but now it's just about gone. I ate alot of food last week on out trip and drank quite a bit which I usually never do. I am thinking this could be the problem. I just don't want to be pregnant right now. I am scared. I have had some clear discharge this week but I ended my period last week and I have had this discharge alot in the past. Ovulation? I just need someone Yo ease my worries. I am supposed to start again around the 25th.

January 6, 2011 - 3:08pm
(reply to Anonymous)


If your boyfriend's penis did not enter your vagina at any point, then pregnancy is not a possibility. I hope this eases you a little bit.

Best Wishes!


January 6, 2011 - 5:11pm
EmpowHER Guest

Could the symptoms I am having just be from worry and making myself think I am pregnant? I am so worried and I just want to feel better. I feel a little bloated also around my stomach. What could that be caused from? I ended my period last Wednesday and I started ovulating this week. Since I am ovulating that probably means I am ok right?

January 6, 2011 - 10:56am
(reply to Anonymous)

I am not sure which question was your original question, but if your period ended last Wednesday and you have had no unprotected sex since that time, you would not have a possibility of being pregnant. Is that your question?

Ovulating is not an indication of being "OK" for pregnancy or not, is that what you mean? A menstrual period indicates you are not pregnant. Are you using an ovulation predictor kit, or just assuming you are ovulating (or otherwise tracking your cervical mucus or basal temperature)?

January 6, 2011 - 12:57pm
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