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EmpowHER Guest

i agree it is very scary. Can someone please answer my questions for me..i posted 2 comments ago and would like some help. I've also realized that the past 3 or 4 days this is all i have been thinking about and i know that added worry and stress will make you miss and be late for your period. I have not been sleeping well do to time change. I was home for xmas for 2 weeks and before that been in europe for 4 months. I recently returned back to europe earlier this week and i know that is why i am not sleeping well because of the time change. I really think that even though what i have done could result in a pregnancy it is very low but there. Because i have been worrying every second that I am i know that the mind will actually start believing it and make me think I'm having symptoms when i'm not. Please help...i know my posts are long but i would really appreciate it. Thank you.

January 9, 2011 - 1:25pm


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