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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

help me please...i feel that i am making my situation into something it is not. However, what i've been reading indicates that there are possiblities of getting pregnant without penetration. I have never had intercourse this way..only rubbing genitals together and if he does ejaculate is has never been on my vagina but at time near. The last time (sat jan 1) we fooled around we imitated sex with his penis on the outside of my vagina for a minute or so. (before this we hadn't fooled around for a few days) Since I am tight he had no way of penetrating but could this still be considered penetration if the tip is on the vagina?. After that he rubbed is penis on my vagina until he came on my leg and stomach area. I am worried because my period although not at the same exact time every month it is usually within a few days or so at least. I should of had it sometime this week but again they are sometimes diff and later. I have symptoms like heavier boobs and have urinated a little more but those are also signs of my period. I have slight cramping like i am about to start but it hasn't happened yet. I also took a HPT yesterday because i am paranoid and so worried. it was negative. I almost feel like I am making myself feel that i am pregnant when i am not. Please help me. Are my chances really high if when he does ejaculate i make sure that none is close to the opening of my vagina?

January 9, 2011 - 11:35am


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