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No. Last week me and my boyfriend grinded with my panties on and his boxers. He ha his penis out at one point but did not enter me at all. It touched me down there, and he did cum when I gave him a blowjob but I changed my panties afterwards. We didn't have sex. At re beginning of this week I had nausea but now it's just about gone. I ate alot of food last week on out trip and drank quite a bit which I usually never do. I am thinking this could be the problem. I just don't want to be pregnant right now. I am scared. I have had some clear discharge this week but I ended my period last week and I have had this discharge alot in the past. Ovulation? I just need someone Yo ease my worries. I am supposed to start again around the 25th.

January 6, 2011 - 3:08pm


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