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Mary Shares If She Takes Her Uterine Cancer Diagnoses Personally (VIDEO)

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Having uterine cancer four times, Mary explains if she ever takes her diagnoses personally or wonders why it's happening to her.

No, because I am not a victim and I won’t get on the pity pot, just won’t happen. You know, when, the last two times when I have heard it’s come back, it’s more of a financial and time issue for me than, "Oh my gosh, I have cancer," because financially, even though I have great insurance, there’s the co-pay and the deductible and it’s like, "Oh shoot, you know, there goes some recreational money yet again," plus more, and just the time.

You know, the third time I had it and I was doing the brachytherapy, again, my doctor loves dealing with my questions because I’ll say "what if" and doctors hate the "what if" questions, and so I said, "Well, what if this is cancer," and they won’t answer it, and I said to him, "Wait a minute, this is my third time, I have the right to ask that question. It’s not a drama question," and he says, "You’re right." He says, "If it does, blah, blah, blah, probably do brachytherapy, that type of thing," and I said, "Well, I am a basketball coach. Basketball starts in November. Will the therapy be over by then," and he said, "Probably not."

So I ask him questions about living life instead of questions about dying. So I coached basketball putting a folding chair at the half-court line with a whistle and yelling at the girls from there. I was a high school basketball coach for a few years. But, so that’s just, and it’s the same way I go into my yearly check-ups. It’s just the couple of weeks before the check-up it is hard because you are reminded again. You know, you’ve just lived eleven and a half months without thinking about it, and then you just go in there, and it’s a big sigh of relief when he says, "See you in a year," it’s like, "Awesome!"

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