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Mary Shares How Women Can Find A Doctor To Treat Their Uterine Cancer (VIDEO)

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Mary describes how women can find the best doctor to treat their uterine cancer diagnoses.

One of the ways, this isn’t always a rule of thumb, but kind of a rule of thumb is, some of your best physicians that are on the cutting edge of treatments will be at university hospitals. That’s where a lot of research is done. So if you are near a university hospital, you might want to ask there, or you go on the Internet. You know, my doctor, you know, having cancer four times, after the second or third time you are like, "Gee, maybe I should switch doctors." You go on the Internet and you find out he is the specialist; he is the one that has published the research studies on this cancer, so he is the one I need to stay with. So, research on the Web.

I had the fortunate situation of having worked at a hospital on public relations for eight years, so having good friends who are physicians, but I realize most people aren’t in that situation.

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