Poor dental health may lead to health problems. It can wreak havoc on not only your physical health but your emotional health and self-esteem as well. Research “has shown chronic dental ...

Dental and Emotional Health Connection


Have you been feeling tired and weak? Do you suffer from heavy menstrual cycles or brittle nails? Do you get cold easily? It might be time to get your thyroid hormone levels tested for ...

Hypothyroidism: The Energy-Sucker


From the moment we are young children, education is a part of daily life. Monday through Friday we sit in classrooms learning and studying various topics until we graduate from high school. ...

From Diploma to Depression: Post-graduate Depression

Adults who have certain sleep quality disturbances may be experiencing very early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. One study published on MedPageToday.com was conducted by Washington University ...

Sleep Disturbances Linked to Alzheimer's Disease


Have you ever walked up to someone and as soon as he or she starts talking, wished you could hand him/her a breath mint or piece of gum without seeming rude? Regardless of whether it is a ...

Is it Halitosis or Something Else?


According to most traditions traveling is best done with a companion. But traditions are made to be broken or bent, meaning traveling solo can be just as much fun as having someone else come with ...

Traveling Alone To Discover Yourself


Waking up in different places than where you went to sleep without any recollection of how you ended up there? While it is most common in children, sleepwalking can occur in adults, too. The ...

Sleepwalking Into A Well-rested Morning


Awakening throughout the night, snoring and waking up in the morning feeling exhausted ... if these symptoms sound familiar, you might have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that ...

Could You Have Sleep Apnea?


Every year, millions of women get pregnant in the United States. Many pregnancies are planned and welcomed, but a surprising number of babies are born as a result of unplanned ...

I'm Pregnant? But I Took Precautions


Headaches can range from barely there to chronic and debilitating. Florida is known as the lightning capital of the United States. What do these two seemingly unrelated facts have in ...

Lightning-Induced Migraines


Many people face sleep deprivation every day. In fact, 30 percent of employed adults in the United States are chronically sleep-deprived, says the Examiner. Whether it’s due to a hectic work ...

Dangers of Sleep Deprivation


Every year, millions of people set New Year's resolutions, which they are bound to break. Instead of setting resolutions that dissolve a week into January, why not set ones you can actually keep?

7 New Years Resolutions (none of them involve losing weight!)


The world is only a few days into the New Year but those resolutions are already starting to slip for many. Some of the most common resolutions have stayed the same year after year (such as ...

Keeping Your Resolutions Strong

New Year's traditions are different across the world. How much do you know about them? Take our quiz and find out!

Do You Know Your New Year's Traditions? Quiz


If dental and oral maladies plague your health, you might be at risk for another major problem. Our heart health is impacted by our oral health. While researchers are still debating ...

Dental Hygiene and Heart Health


The holidays might be filled with sweets, candy and other decadent goodies, but not all favorites are created equal. Some foods have real health benefits (when consumed in moderation, of course).

7 Holiday Foods With Health Benefits

That we are in the middle of the holiday season does not come as a surprise, but how much do you know about the foods and certain traditions? Find out by taking our quiz!

Test Your Holiday Spirit With Our Quiz


The National Sleep Foundation published a study that found an alarming trend among those in the transportation business. Not only ground transportation professionals (taxi, limo, truck and bus ...

The Importance of Sleep


Every day, society is confronted with images of celebrities. Striving to be like their idols, people go on diets, get plastic surgery and bleach their teeth to such extremes that it seems like ...

Dangers of Teeth Whitening


Flying on an airplane can be an exciting experience. The thrill of seeing family, friends, or a new place causes millions of people to book flights each year. Whether you are going near or ...

How To Prevent Jet Lag


That poor oral health can cause bad breath, cavities and rotting teeth shouldn’t come as a surprise. An article published by Reuters suggests a link between poor dental health and dementia. ...

Poor Oral Health Linked To Dementia

Acne is defined by Google Dictionary as: "The occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin; in particular, a condition characterized by red pimples on the face." Is the only ...

Test your knowledge about natural acne remedies with our quiz


That women and girls often struggle with body image issues is a well-known fact. Surrounded by stick-thin celebrity role models and fashion icons, we are confronted with unrealistic ideals ...

Weightlifting Dangerous for Boys


Thanksgiving is right around the corner, meaning a day of out of control eating for most. Merry as it might make us (and sleepy after the turkey), our happiness will fade once our clothes fit ...

Thanksgiving Without Gaining Weight


Throughout high school, I rarely had a pimple. My skin was spotless and actually caused cosmetics sales ladies at the mall to tell me not to buy their products. Then, when I was eighteen ...

Witch Hazel: A Natural Remedy For Acne-prone Skin


Women often travel alone when on business trips. To some, this is a somewhat scary thought, aggravated even more by terrifying reports in the news of acts against females. An article on the ...

Women Can Now Rest Assured In Their Hotel Rooms


Fair trade. This label has been appearing on foods, coffee, and retail products for quite some time now. But what does it mean? As said by Fairtradeusa.com, when something is fair trade, it ...

The Importance of Fair Trade

Foods To Buy Organic


Airlines are cutting back on the amount of beverages and meals they are serving their customers. Flying domestically, you are lucky if a single beverage is served. But even international ...

Airplane Meals: The Hidden Dangers


Vegetables have long been known to be healthy and filled with vitamins, but studies are now shining a fresh light on one vegetable in particular — celery. This stalky vegetable contains ...

Compound in Celery Possible Cancer Treatment


Going to the doctor when a health concern arises is standard for most people. The doctor examines you, after which you get a diagnosis, and then you are sent to the pharmacy with a prescription ...

Older Adults Often Overlook Prescription Warning Labels

Cigarette smoking is nothing new in young people. Do you know the facts? Take our quiz and find out!

Youth Smoking: Do You Know the Facts? Take Our Quiz


I remember the excitement in my brother’s eyes when he led his high school football team to victory at the state championships his senior year. Four years of training had paid off. The ...

Cheerleading: The Most Dangerous Sport?


Starting in childhood, exercise should be a big part of our lives. It is important that children receive enough exercise each week so that they do not develop health conditions. This slideshow ...

7 Benefits Of Exercise In Young People


Coffee has long had a special place in my heart. Although I am not too fond of American brewed coffee — it’s too weak, in my opinion — even that is a variety I am learning to like. Nothing ...

Coffee: Bad Reputation, Good Health


Whether full-time or part-time, the majority of people have a job in order to earn a living. You might grudgingly have to wake up barely past sunrise, but at least you are home in time for dinner, ...

Increased Health Risk For Those Working Overnight

Whether you're going abroad or not, traveling can be fun and exciting. When it comes to your health, however, there are some key things you need to do to stay healthy and safe. Are you travel ...

Travel Health: Are you ready for your trip?


College students regularly complain of being tired, not getting enough sleep, or not being able to focus on tests. While this is often brushed off as being a part of the partying lifestyle ...

dkonig commented on dkonig's post Insomnia Present in College Students


College students regularly complain of being tired, not getting enough sleep, or not being able to focus on tests. While this is often brushed off as being a part of the partying lifestyle ...

Insomnia Present in College Students


Everyone needs a boost every so often, and when it comes to your mood, there are several foods that have been shown to improve it. So if you feel in need of a little feel-good, indulge yourself ...

Top 7 Foods To Improve Mood


Every morning across the United States and the rest of the world, millions of people start their day by drinking a cup of coffee or another beverage in need of a little something sweet. This ...

Stevia: How Healthy Is It?


Lollipops, jellybeans, gummy bears, and double caramel blended lattes ... the list of sugary teeth-offenders can go on and on. It is no secret that sweets cause cavities, but recent studies ...

Honey, The Dental Dream