Dr. Mutlu shares how inflammatory bowel disease is diagnosed.
Dr. Mutlu:
Inflammatory bowel disease is typically diagnosed by endoscopy or colonoscopy where we take biopsies of the tissue, and we examine it under the microscope, and we see typical changes under the microscope. And if the person has the right type of history of their symptoms and if they have the right background for it, then we could make a diagnosis of the disease based on our endoscopic findings, based on our pathologic findings, as well as the person’s symptoms.
About Dr. Mutlu, M.D.:
Dr. Ece A. Mutlu, M.D., is Associate Professor of Medicine at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois. She specializes in gastroenterology and nutrition, and her research interests include diet therapy in inflammatory bowel disease, role of microbiological flora on gastrointestinal illness, role of nutrition in gastrointestinal disease, complementary and alternative medicine for gastrointestinal disease, and antioxidant treatment of radiation proctitis.
Visit Dr. Mutlu at Rush University Medical Center