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Well I wanted to know if I suffered a miscarriage yesterday.

By Anonymous June 12, 2013 - 10:44pm
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First of all I have had my tubes tired for two years now and as of Sunday I was suffering with some bad cramps around my belly button it felt like somebody was just pulling it from the inside then my period came on Monday then I went to the bathroom on Tuesday evening and I can feel the blood clot coming out of me before I can get my underwear down I thought I was flooding then I looked on my pad the blood clot was the size of the Palm of my hand I'm scared have never had a miscarriage can someone help me so I will know if I had a miscarriage or not.Thank you.

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Hi Anon,

While very unlikely, it is possible for pregnancy to occur after a tubal ligation.  In rare cases, a woman's fallopian tubes are able to grow back together after a tubal ligation.

Symptoms of a miscarriage include:

  1. Vaginal bleeding that may be light or heavy constant or irregular. Although bleeding is often the first sign of a miscarriage, first trimester bleeding may also occur with a normal pregnancy. But bleeding with pain is a sign that miscarriage is more likely.
  2. Pain. You may have pelvic cramps, belly pain, or a persistent, dull ache in your lower back. Pain may start a few hours to several days after bleeding has begun.
  3. blood clots

Here is a link that might be helpful on miscarriage




June 13, 2013 - 5:04am
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