Hello. My name is Mel & I am 20 years old.
Hemmorrhoids run in my family & I have had them since I was like 15 or so. It was not so problematic right about quite recently.
Usually, only when I had hard stool I would have really little bleeding on the toilet paper. Nowadays, I have way more constepation & can't seem to poop fully & satisfactorily, and always have more blood. Need I to say, it's not a lot of blood, like a period or something, but it is more than it used to be.
It seems as though that the stool gets to the rectum area & then it sends a sharp pain, feeling like it's being cut or ripped, and then there is bleeding.
I would also like to mention that it only happens during bowel movements & not urine or anything else.
I am worried. Could it be something dangerous like in the colon or stomach? I am suffering from bad (treated ) anxiety and hypochondria.. please answer. Thanks. xo
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Hello, Mel! Thank you for posting.
Constipation can worsen hemorrhoids and so, this might be what is happening since you are saying constipation has been more of an issue. That said, the only way to know for sure is to see your doctor.
Chronic constipation is infrequent bowel movements or difficult passage of stools that persists for several weeks or longer. Constipation is generally described as having fewer than three bowel movements a week.
Things that can help:
Include plenty of high-fiber foods in your diet, including beans, vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, and bran.
Eat fewer foods with low amounts of fiber such as processed foods, and dairy and meat products.
Drink plenty of fluids. Especially water.
Stay as active as possible and try to get regular exercise.
Try to manage stress.
Don't hold the urge to pass stool.
I hope you feel better soon.
March 29, 2019 - 4:55pmThis Comment