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Colon Massage: Natural Constipation Relief and Belly Toner!

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When you’ve gotta go but your butt says no: constipation. Many people resort to enemas, nasty powders, suppositories and laxatives to get some relief.

Some deal with constipation as an on-going problem. Some only experience it once and a while, and others get cursed with it after popping anti-diarrhea in attempt to harden their loose bowels after almost pooping their pants during take-off on a small airplane out of China ... hypothetically speaking, of course.

What I’m getting at -- constipation is not a friend, but a foe. So let’s learn how to put your fingers to work and get rid of that which overstays its welcome in your intestines (the natural way of course)!

For this massage, we will be following the path that fecal matter travels in your colon to assist it on its way out! You can choose to either lie down or stand up, using lotion or oil, or even dry. So here’s how to give yourself a poop-inducing colon massage:

1. Starting near your appendix at the lowest right side of your tummy, apply pressure in small circular movements. Careful not to apply pressure too hard, as to not compact the fecal matter more.

This particular spot is near the ileocecal valve -- a sphincter between the small and large intestine in which food must pass through to be further processed in the large intestine. Proper function of this muscle is critical.

An unhealthy ileocecal valve can malfunction and stay closed, hindering in the elimination of waste and providing for a very toxic environment. An unhealthy ileocecal valve can also malfunction by staying open, which causes a backwash of fecal matter from the large intestine into the small intestine.

Either dysfunction of the ileocecal valve is toxic, so a healthy ileocecal valve is imperative! Massaging this area can promote a healthy ileocecal valve!

2. Next, move upwards towards your rib cage continuing to use small circular motions and using the same directional pattern.

3. Continue with the small circles and work towards the spot just below your left rib.

4. Continue downwards until you've reached your groin area.

The complete massage should take about 2-3 minutes and for the best relief, should be practiced a few times a day!

When starting the massage, apply pressure slowly and easily, progressively applying more pressure. However, avoid pressing down too hard, as this will compact the fecal matter and possibly result in more stagnant matter. The goal is to loosen it up and get it out of there!

When practicing this massage, notice if you feel any areas to be particularly painful. If a deep pain persists, consult a doctor.

In addition to loosening the fecal matter in your colon and relieving your bowels, a consistent colon massage will also promote the toning of your abs! So say goodbye to rabbit turds and hello to a flat belly and happy, healthy, solid poops!


Allison, L. (n.d.). Relief for Constipation with Abdominal Massage. Naturally relieve Acid Indigestion, Bloating and Constipation easily!. Retrieved September 20, 2011, from

Ileo-Cecal Valve. (n.d.). Energy Balancing International For Natural Health. Retrieved September 20, 2011, from http://www.energybalancing.com/selfeval/ileocecal.html

Silva, R. (n.d.). How to Massage Your Colon For Constipation Relief. EzineArticles Submission - Submit Your Best Quality Original Articles For Massive Exposure, Ezine Publishers Get 25 Free Article Reprints. Retrieved September 20, 2011, from

Reviewed September 26, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith

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EmpowHER Guest

i wanted to mention, that as a Licensed Massage Therapist I have been trained in colon, peristalsis massage. we are taught to Always Start at the lowest part of the descending colon - low left region FIRST! this Opens the channel for any flow coming from the other parts of the colon. Work descending, then transverse, then ascending.

September 19, 2015 - 5:52am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Sounds dangerous if done wrong

October 26, 2017 - 8:04am
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