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Jillian Michaels diet pills do they really work?

By August 14, 2009 - 8:58pm
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Has anyone tried the new Jillian Michaels QuickStart Rapid weight loss program, Maximum strenght fat burner pills, or the Thincare international Jillian Michaels maximum strenght calorie control tablets, or the triple process body detox and clense. If so could you tell me is it safe and is it worth the money?

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Thanks for the posts thinking about purchasing. Need to lose 8-10 pds I have been working out
for a good 20 yrs now its like a hobby. And i'm on baby #4 So I just need a little kick in the butt. To get me going and out of my regular routine. Hope the pills give me that. Wish me luck! I will post back soon.

October 15, 2009 - 8:17am
EmpowHER Guest

I just bought the pills today and took my first dose before breakfast, there is no headache or anything i feel fine. I am really looking forward to seeing how it goes and i will post back. Since September i have started the Jenny Craig diet and for the first month i lost 13 lbs, but i was just looking forward to loosing more. I am 5'8'' and used to weigh 220lbs now i am at 200 lbs. Two weeks ago i tried alli and los 4lbs in one week, but my bottle finished and now i wanna see if i can try somehting else. Last week i tried Zentrex-3, i didn't even get 2 pills on my first dose i got only one; and through out the day my head felt like exploting!I had a big headache all day and i felt so bad, and that was just with one pill, when daily dose is about 6! The second day i tried the same thing just one, and it was the same thing. I got tired of it and stoped it was too painfull.I also work out almost 5 times a week and my diet on Jenny Craig is a 1500 calorie diet. I am looking forward to seeing what these pills do for me, and i will post next week. I am planning on finishing this bottle i just bought; it was about 29$ for 2 weeks, if it doesn't work ill just go back to Alli, but i hope it works better. Thank you for reading!! :)

October 14, 2009 - 10:21am
EmpowHER Guest

I did the detox pills and didn't notice anything different other than a little energy boost. My weight didn't change at all and I walked around with a constant headache for the 7 days you take them. (Hydroxycut gives me headaches too.) I didn't have funny or uncomfortable bowel movements either, incase that's something else you are wondering about. I'm on the second set of pills now and do I notice a curb in my hunger - still no weight loss, but no headache (on the second set of pills) either.

October 13, 2009 - 2:08pm
EmpowHER Guest

i have been taking them for 1 week and i have already lost 5 pounds.... i love them!

October 13, 2009 - 2:05pm
EmpowHER Guest

works really good i tried the products and it really helped me lose some weight. still trying taking the product but in have enjoyed it

October 12, 2009 - 1:08pm
EmpowHER Guest

NO, but don't you find it a bit funny that she is always promoting healthy eating and exercise~and now she has weight loss pills??? I don't know what to make of this! I have heard her say " If it has a mother or came from the ground, you can eat it" a thousand times, but do diet pills fall into this category?

October 12, 2009 - 12:42pm

There is no "silver bullet" (or silver pill, in this case) that helps weight loss. After years of trying just about everything, the closest thing I've found is a healthy vegan diet, eating less often (3 times a day, no snacking), and eating my largest meal for breakfast, a large meal for lunch, and a light meal for dinner. I'm losing an average of 5 pounds per month and have a long way to go, but slow and steady seems to be winning the battle better than any pill ever did. I suspect the weight loss reported on Ms. Michael's pills is probably due more to water loss than anything else (many of us that are overweight carry at least 5 pounds in added water weight) and changes in lifestyle by exercise and changing eating habits. In the meantime, you have no idea what else the pills are doing to your body.

My point really is there is no "quick" way to lose weight. It took years for me to become "obese" and it will take years for me to take the weight off in a healthy way that results in me keeping it off. I'm patient. And I feel SO much better - better than I have in years.

October 11, 2009 - 12:23pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to lroethler)

I eat every 2.5-3 hours and drink 100oz of water. Protein, carb, veggie for meals. Protein and fruit for snack. I've lost 120lbs in 8 months and have more to go but I'm from 3-8lbs a week. no added oil, salt, or sugar but what is present in my food. Plus nothing processed or packaged. I will eat canned or frozen if it's ingredients are the product and water...no added salt or sugar. Plus, I work out almost every day... walk 1hr and a scultping routine. i have friends who've bought into taking pills and its gotten them nothing but pain. I cannot see taking pills for the rest of my life to keep the weight off. I mean, ya - so they lose it but then what do they do to keep it off? Isn't that the bigger picture? if its not sustainable- is it really worth the money and hopes put into it?

October 29, 2009 - 5:02pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi all,

This is my first time taking anything to lose weight or even attempt to help. I've been taking the fat burner pills for 11 days now, and I have gone from 153 to 147 lbs. I have been counting calories, too. I've counted calories though before, and I feel like the scale never moved like it is now. The jury's still out for anything more I guess. If I get below 144, it will be for the first time in years.

In other news, I think the caffeine is actually HELPING me. I've just moved to a new place and new job and I was totally depressed, but I have more energy and am happier since taking these pills. I realize it's just the caffeine but I'll take it!

So, yeah, there's nothing spectacular in these pills but it might just be the boost I needed.

October 10, 2009 - 10:12am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Does your weight still go up and down some days. Like today I am 3 lbs heavier then yesterday. So crazy.

October 10, 2009 - 11:16am
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