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There is no "silver bullet" (or silver pill, in this case) that helps weight loss. After years of trying just about everything, the closest thing I've found is a healthy vegan diet, eating less often (3 times a day, no snacking), and eating my largest meal for breakfast, a large meal for lunch, and a light meal for dinner. I'm losing an average of 5 pounds per month and have a long way to go, but slow and steady seems to be winning the battle better than any pill ever did. I suspect the weight loss reported on Ms. Michael's pills is probably due more to water loss than anything else (many of us that are overweight carry at least 5 pounds in added water weight) and changes in lifestyle by exercise and changing eating habits. In the meantime, you have no idea what else the pills are doing to your body.

My point really is there is no "quick" way to lose weight. It took years for me to become "obese" and it will take years for me to take the weight off in a healthy way that results in me keeping it off. I'm patient. And I feel SO much better - better than I have in years.

October 11, 2009 - 12:23pm


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