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I just bought the pills today and took my first dose before breakfast, there is no headache or anything i feel fine. I am really looking forward to seeing how it goes and i will post back. Since September i have started the Jenny Craig diet and for the first month i lost 13 lbs, but i was just looking forward to loosing more. I am 5'8'' and used to weigh 220lbs now i am at 200 lbs. Two weeks ago i tried alli and los 4lbs in one week, but my bottle finished and now i wanna see if i can try somehting else. Last week i tried Zentrex-3, i didn't even get 2 pills on my first dose i got only one; and through out the day my head felt like exploting!I had a big headache all day and i felt so bad, and that was just with one pill, when daily dose is about 6! The second day i tried the same thing just one, and it was the same thing. I got tired of it and stoped it was too painfull.I also work out almost 5 times a week and my diet on Jenny Craig is a 1500 calorie diet. I am looking forward to seeing what these pills do for me, and i will post next week. I am planning on finishing this bottle i just bought; it was about 29$ for 2 weeks, if it doesn't work ill just go back to Alli, but i hope it works better. Thank you for reading!! :)

October 14, 2009 - 10:21am


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