For the longest time I have felt up and down constantly almost like in periods, like I am happy and all and quite impulsive for like a month or two, maybe three and then I suddenly have a huge dip where everything is shit and I just feel like dying.. And this don't feel like just regular depression, or is that just how it is for normal people? But one thing that is consistent is my constant sudden feelings of dread and worry and sometimes fear, it can even happen around times and things that I've dine before and been fine with. It's all really draining and I'm sick of not knowing what it might be.. Psychologists haven't really been around long enough for me to trust them enough to tell them everything. You know, you can't just trust everybody, especially them, because they like everybody else, just leave. So you gotta test them and see, will they see through the act or will they buy it? I got a bit off track but I'm just wondering why I'm most of the time, or well all the time anxious but it's not always super noticeable..
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Hello Anon
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We obviously can't diagnose anything but you do need to talk to someone. It sounds like you are suffering from anxiety and possibly a mood disorder where you are feeling up and down at different periods.
All humans have times of happiness and sadness. This is normal and is often dependent on a person's circumstances at the time (a death, divorce, a move or loss of a job) to hormonal issues like being postpartum, menopausal or elderly. There can also be a chemical imbalance in the brain.
Psychology been a recognized field of study since the 1800s, it's not a new form of healthcare. See if you can find an established professional to help you; someone that isn't moving away or retiring. Your primary care physician can give you a recommendation or ask a trusted friend.
Please stay in touch!
December 18, 2019 - 4:51pmThis Comment