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6 Apps To Help Manage Your Anxiety

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Apps to Manage anxiety Via pexels, edited by Melissa Szenda

For those that struggle with anxiety on a regular basis, it can seem exceptionally difficult to find peace in a world otherwise plagued with impending stress. I downloaded six apps made to help an anxious person gain control over that which seems unbearable. This is what I found.

1. Sleep Pillow

Sleep Pillow
Via iTunes

For many, much anxiety revolves around sleep and the lack thereof. This app has about nine sounds that you can choose from to help you fall asleep. It also allows you to make mixes of your favorite sounds as well as timing how long you want the app to play before it turns off itself.

2. MindShift

Via iTunes

THIS. APP. RULES. Besides being clutter-free and easy to navigate, MindShift gives you helpful tools and information on anxiety to help you learn about ways to manage it rather than compensate for it. Some of the best sections are “Anxiety 101,” “Check Yourself,” and “Inspiration.”

3. Happify

Via iTunes

The best part about this app is the check-in process. You keep a log of how you’ve been feeling over the past couple of weeks and track the skills you’ve learned from using the app.

4. Sleepytime Sleep Scheduler

Via iTunes

Yet another wonderful, simple app. Sleepytime gives you just two options, “Going to bed now” and “Pick a time.” It calculates your REM cycles and how many full cycles you would receive if you either “go to bed now” and pick a time to wake up, or “pick a time” first and see when you should go to bed. Great way to get sleep and not feel groggy!

5. Stigma

Via iTunes

Similar to Happify, Stigma lets you check in with your feelings, but this time on more of a community-based journaling forum. Users can log which feelings they are having and talk to other users that struggle similarly in order to emphasize the fact that we are NOT alone.

6. SAM

Via iTunes

SAM is a lot like Mindshift in the way it provides users with information on anxiety. However, SAM is different because it focuses on mindfulness and being present with anxiety. Often, it is more comfortable to run away from anxious feelings by coloring, for example, but SAM helps users feel more comfortable listening to their anxiety and tuning in to it in order to figure out how to lessen its impact.

Editing Note: This article did not filter through the normal EmpowHER editing and fact checking process. It was checked for spelling and grammar.

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Add a Comment2 Comments

Thank you!
Of course, applications are not all-in-one anxiety cure, but they help to keep things under control or reduce panic sometimes. I used to have some app (I can't remember the name, unfortunately), it was super relaxing. I think I am downloading MindShift. I liked its description and features.

April 22, 2020 - 4:07am
HERWriter Guide (reply to Lotty09)

Thanks for posting Lottie - good luck with the app, I hope you find something that works for you. 

Rather than apps, I have a simple white noise machine at night and in summer I also use a fan. White noise (even vacuums) are very soothing to me, they really help me sleep. 

My daytime favorite relaxer in summer and fall is hearing lawn mowers and children playing outside. Reduces any anxiety really well! 



April 22, 2020 - 7:17am
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