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I got my period after taking Plan B pills even though I just had my period 3 days before.

By August 12, 2009 - 9:20pm
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My bf and I had unprotected sex right atfer I just ended my period I took plan B pills and the next day I got my period again even though I just had it 3 days earlier. But now I still haven't gotten my period. Is it possible that I'm just late?

Can anyone please help me? I'm thinking I'm just going to get my period really late. Or is it possible that I am pregnant? Answers asap please.

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I've been reading everything, trying not to panic. Here's my situation:

I had my first time sometime in december, all I know is that it was during my fertile cycle. We had a condom but it slipped, so I panicked and went to buy the plan B pill the next day, like 12 hours (or less) later. I spotted that day , obviously because my hymen broke and I bled during sex. I stopped spotting 2 days later but a week after I took plan B, I had this light spotting. I stopped worrying when my period came in time (I'm irregular, sometimes, because of my eating habits, or just because I had drinks that month) but this one came just in time.

Then, I had that period, the january one (jan 1st 2011) and then the february one (jan 31 st/feb 1st, 2011) It stopped monday the 7th, which is normal, I have one-week periods, heavy flow the first 3 days with cramps and then just light flow with no cramps. Then, that same monday I had sex, but I guess that something happened with the condom so I got the pill again, 12 hours after doing it. It means, that I took it a day after my period stopped. By tuesday, I started to feel the cramps I always feel when I'm ovulating and by wednesday the9th, I started to spot again. It was light and it got heavier, with menstrual cramps and it lasted like a normal period for 3 days, 4th day it was just a light spotting, like the one I get when I'm finishing but this period didn't last a week, like my regular period. Now, I just have the regular clear flow. I'm supposed to have my period Feb 28th/March 1st but I don't know what to expect.
I'm scared of being pregnant and I don't really know if that "mini-period" was that....a period.
Please, help. And thanks for reading.

February 23, 2011 - 7:48pm
(reply to Anonymous 888)

Hi Anonymous888,
Thanks for your comment and for joining EmpowHER. I think you have had enough bleeding to know that you're not pregnant. It is not uncommon to get spotting when you take emergency contraception. Here are a couple articles about emergency contraception, and condom use that may be of some help and answer some questions.
Emergency Contraception Update, 2010, and Help! The Condom Broke During Sex: How to Prevent "Wardrobe Malfunctions".
If you still have questions after thoughtfully reading, try to relax, and let us know. You also may want to call your doctor's office and get on regular birth control in addition to using condoms so you will be doubly protected from pregnancy and STDs each time you have intercourse and won't need to worry in the future.
Good luck and let us know how you're doing.

February 24, 2011 - 9:09am
(reply to Anonymous 888)

Hi Anonymous888,
Thanks for your comment and for joining EmpowHER. I think you have had enough bleeding to know that you're not pregnant. It is not uncommon to get spotting when you take emergency contraception. Here are a couple articles about emergency contraception, and condom use that may be of some help and answer some questions.

If you still have questions after thoughtfully reading, try to relax, and let us know. You also may want to call your doctor's office and get on regular birth control in addition to using condoms so you will be doubly protected from pregnancy and STDs each time you have intercourse and won't need to worry in the future.
Good luck and let us know how you're doing.

February 24, 2011 - 9:09am

When taking oral contraceptives...you NEVER have a menstrual bleeding period! Those ONLY OCCUR AFTER an OVULE reaches the UTERUS and is NOT fertilized. The hormones in the pill suppress the cycle of ovulation. That is what keeps you from getting pregnant. Other forms of birth control should be used during your first few months to assure the level of hormone in the pill is effectively preventing ovulation. The makers of the"pill" give us a seven day breakthrough bleed because they think women were happier believing that they still had a "normal" monthly "bleeding cycle"! I prefer Depo Provera; a small shot once a year, then no pills, no pads, no cramps, no mess!

February 20, 2011 - 5:19pm
(reply to Suze54)

You are correct, that women who use any type of consistent hormonal contraception (such as the pill, shot, ring) do not have a menstrual period, but rather a type of bleeding called "withdrawal bleeding". The hormonal contraceptives are thought to work in one of three ways:
1. Prevent ovulation (which, in turn, would prevent a menstrual period)
2. Create an "unwelcoming" environment for sperm within the uterus (the lining does not thicken)
3. Create an "unwelcoming" environment within the cervical mucus

I am not sure what post you are responding to, but the previous post to our responses was regarding a woman who used birth control pills only as emergency contraception (not consistently), and she would have a menstrual period since she is not using hormonal contraceptives in a consistent manner.

It is great to hear that you are having such great luck with the shot! It does sound great...do you experience any breakthrough bleeding?

February 20, 2011 - 7:05pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,
If she took Plan B and started her period, this is a good thing. She may experience irregular periods for a couple months after taking Plan B, again this is common. The good news, her body will readjust and return to normal.

I hope this helps settle your nerves.

February 20, 2011 - 10:09am
(reply to Anonymous)

Hey about a month and a half ago I had sex with my boyfriend and I worked at an obgyn office and the doctor sai I can take 2 birth control pills in the morning and 2 in the evening and that will be the same as taking plan b so I did, but it made me very naucious and I threw up like 5 times then I ha a period every 2 weeks for about a month. The last period I had was on Jan 18 and I still haven't had o e since then and I wasn't getting my period every two weeks. I'm starting to get worried I took a preg teat about a week ago and it came back negative and took another one about 4 days ago and it camme back ngative but I Am starting to really freak out and wonder if u could be pregnant?

February 20, 2011 - 12:05pm
(reply to Kskufca)

No, the likelihood of you being pregnant is extremely low, since you haven't really missed your period yet, and have had two negative pregnancy tests.

Did the doctor tell you that you don't have to take the 2 birth control pills at the same time? It would cause nausea if you take them together, and you (and other women) can take them an hour apart to prevent this side effect.

Your period may be delayed by a week (maybe two), as taking the mega dose of hormones has the same side effect of Plan B... late (or early) period.

February 20, 2011 - 2:46pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hey about a month and a half ago I had sex with my boyfriend and I worked at an obgyn office and the doctor sai I can take 2 birth control pills in the morning and 2 in the evening and that will be the same as taking plan b so I did, but it made me very naucious and I threw up like 5 times then I ha a period every 2 weeks for about a month. The last period I had was on Jan 18 and I still haven't had o e since then and I wasn't getting my period every two weeks. I'm starting to get worried I took a preg teat about a week ago and it came back negative and took another one about 4 days ago and it camme back ngative but I Am starting to really freak out and wonder if u could be pregnant?

February 20, 2011 - 11:58am
EmpowHER Guest

Me and my gf did not have sex but she was on her period and it was the 14th and i had ejaculated onto my hand and after 20 min I put my fingers into her vagina but after a couple of minutes i realized that i used that same hand on myself and immeadately stopped but still unsure about it the next day i got the plan b pill and within 24 hours she had taken it. It is now the 20th and she started bleeding but it is not time for her period yet. Does this mean she is not pregnant. Please help me.

February 20, 2011 - 9:57am
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