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(reply to Anonymous)

Hey about a month and a half ago I had sex with my boyfriend and I worked at an obgyn office and the doctor sai I can take 2 birth control pills in the morning and 2 in the evening and that will be the same as taking plan b so I did, but it made me very naucious and I threw up like 5 times then I ha a period every 2 weeks for about a month. The last period I had was on Jan 18 and I still haven't had o e since then and I wasn't getting my period every two weeks. I'm starting to get worried I took a preg teat about a week ago and it came back negative and took another one about 4 days ago and it camme back ngative but I Am starting to really freak out and wonder if u could be pregnant?

February 20, 2011 - 12:05pm


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