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I've been reading everything, trying not to panic. Here's my situation:

I had my first time sometime in december, all I know is that it was during my fertile cycle. We had a condom but it slipped, so I panicked and went to buy the plan B pill the next day, like 12 hours (or less) later. I spotted that day , obviously because my hymen broke and I bled during sex. I stopped spotting 2 days later but a week after I took plan B, I had this light spotting. I stopped worrying when my period came in time (I'm irregular, sometimes, because of my eating habits, or just because I had drinks that month) but this one came just in time.

Then, I had that period, the january one (jan 1st 2011) and then the february one (jan 31 st/feb 1st, 2011) It stopped monday the 7th, which is normal, I have one-week periods, heavy flow the first 3 days with cramps and then just light flow with no cramps. Then, that same monday I had sex, but I guess that something happened with the condom so I got the pill again, 12 hours after doing it. It means, that I took it a day after my period stopped. By tuesday, I started to feel the cramps I always feel when I'm ovulating and by wednesday the9th, I started to spot again. It was light and it got heavier, with menstrual cramps and it lasted like a normal period for 3 days, 4th day it was just a light spotting, like the one I get when I'm finishing but this period didn't last a week, like my regular period. Now, I just have the regular clear flow. I'm supposed to have my period Feb 28th/March 1st but I don't know what to expect.
I'm scared of being pregnant and I don't really know if that "mini-period" was that....a period.
Please, help. And thanks for reading.

February 23, 2011 - 7:48pm


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