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Hi please guide me. I eat last few week onley papaya, peas, grape, orange juice and red rice and veg soop and drink lots of water but my stool are hard and pain to pass but no bleed. When i drink cup of boil dry senna leaf stool go smoothly but pain like burning. Why please help me.
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Have 2-3 PRUNES or 2 DATES every single morning with a glass of LUKE WARM WATER.
April 10, 2015 - 10:28amPROBLEM SOLVED!
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Hi Anon,
Thank you for reaching out to EmpowHER with your question! Sorry you are having so much pain here. That is interesting that your stool is still hard even though you are eating so much fruit and drinking a lot of water.
Here are some more tips you can try to soften your stool:
- Drink water throughout the day, including between all meals. Water helps soften stool. When you do not drink enough water, it can harden stools. Try to avoid caffeine, as that can dehydrate your body.
- Eat dried prunes. Dried prunes can act as a natural laxative and help to loosen and soften your stool quickly. Prune and apple juice can also help.
- Take a natural osmotic laxative. This laxative is more natural than others and helps take water from your intestines to soften your stool and help with bowel movements.
- Eat more fiber. Little fiber in your diet can cause stools to be hard. Some fiber rich foods include fruits and vegetables.
- Workout or engage in a physical activity. Sitting around and following a more sedentary lifestyle can make stools harder and cause constipation.
If your constipation continues and you are still experiencing pain, visit your doctor. Pain is not normal, so it is best to visit your doctor so they can check you out and see what is going on.
Here is a great article on EmpowHER that talks about natural ways to relieve constipation:
I hope this has helped! Please keep me updated and let me know if you have any other questions.
November 15, 2014 - 5:43pmErin
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